The Student Room Group
Reply 1

I have no idea why but i thought i should stick up for my future college
Reply 2
Ah, nothing like some friendly bias is there? :wink:

What made you choose Keble?

For fear of sounding superficial, the most influential reason of limiting it to Oriel or Keble was the seemingly high State school intake, and of course the sound chance of gaining an en suite bathroom...

D xxxx :biggrin:
Reply 3
Ah, nothing like some friendly bias is there? :wink:

What made you choose Keble?

For fear of sounding superficial, the most influential reason of limiting it to Oriel or Keble was the seemingly high State school intake, and of course the sound chance of gaining an en suite bathroom...

D xxxx :biggrin:

Personally, have heard bad things about Oriel - on here must people mutter it under their breath. I didn't like Keble when I saw it - urgh too red for my liking!

The best way to find out which one you prefer is to go and look around both at the Oxford open days in June/July.

Why are you so concerned with going to a college that has a high intake of state edcuated pupils? The oxford system is not prejudice in its applications and private/public school kids are just as nice and friendly - not all of us are stuck up! I get really offended when people are very "isolated". I know that I am fortunate enough to go to a private school and it's only because my parents work damn hard, not because we were born rich, and I also appreciate for many people it's just not possible. However, if us private school people said we didn't want to go near any state school students we'd have the whole country up in anger about it, but then if it's the other way around no-one seems to care. Grrrr, discrimination is fine to dish out if it suits someone, but get on the receiving end and it's horrible....

(btw, not just a personal dig at you then, just felt like a moan...)
Reply 4
Keble is really pretty and has amazing facilities. Also it's in a great location; really near the science area, close to most of the major humanities/arts deprtments, but also set slightly outside the city centre. Oriel's reputation within the university isn't that great. I'm sure it's an excellent college and everything but it's perceived as being a bit 'backwards'. It was the last of the all-male colleges to admit women and women are still very much in the minority there, for example. It's also seen very much as an 'Old Boys' college, but that may be an unfair judgment. Best thing to do is go and have a look for yourself.
Reply 5
Thanks for your help Hildabeast :smile: Was keeping an eye out for you and your helpful ways at Sandown the other day :tongue:

I will be looking around both at some Open days yes :smile:

Very hard choices the more you consider it really.. I feel the longer I spend trailing through college info, the more emphasis I'm putting on it..

Open App is looking favourable.

Fate and all that.. :wink:
Reply 6
Open applications are an excellent way to apply if you don't have a strong college preference. I agree, the college choice thing can make the decision seem more important than it actually is, but the most important choice you have to make is what course to apply for and that is the crucial thing.

Good luck with the open days!!!
Oriel is not a member of OUSU (Oxford University Student Union) is rumoured to be 40% Tory (Toriel) and has a low state school intake. Keble is more studenty (a bit less central) but is made of ugly red brick (acquired taste). Oriel is a rowing college, Keble is more football. I'd go for Keble personally but it's down to you.

Open applications are fine if you really don't know but I'd advise you to choose a college. At least this way you don't end up somewhere you really don't like the look of. I chose Christ Church because the tutors had a good reputation, is rich (so good welfare/bursaries etc) and you can live in all your time there (cheaper). Even if it's something as simple as this it's worth it.
Reply 8
house badger
Oriel is not a member of OUSU (Oxford University Student Union) is rumoured to be 40% Tory (Toriel) and has a low state school intake. Keble is more studenty (a bit less central) but is made of ugly red brick (acquired taste). Oriel is a rowing college, Keble is more football. I'd go for Keble personally but it's down to you.

Open applications are fine if you really don't know but I'd advise you to choose a college. At least this way you don't end up somewhere you really don't like the look of. I chose Christ Church because the tutors had a good reputation, is rich (so good welfare/bursaries etc) and you can live in all your time there (cheaper). Even if it's something as simple as this it's worth it.

Yes, Toriel has been an apt description. Even though the college has made some belated steps to modernise it does tend to attract those hanker for a return to past times. Keble may be a bit underrated - have heard good things about the tutors there.
Reply 9
house badger
Keble is more studenty

Surely all colleges are, by definition, studenty???? :confused:
Studenty is usally taken to mean conforming to the typical ideas of a student life, eg similar to non-oxbridge unis. The opposite would be the Brideshead style stereotypical Oxford style college.
house badger
Studenty is usally taken to mean conforming to the typical ideas of a student life, eg similar to non-oxbridge unis. The opposite would be the Brideshead style stereotypical Oxford style college.

Oh OK. Well in that case, Keble all the way. Definitely. For a less Brideshead-like experience the younger colleges are the way to go (Catz, Hugh's, Anne's, Peter's). Avoid: Oriel, Magdalen, ChCh, Merton...
Reply 12
house badger
Oriel is not a member of OUSU (Oxford University Student Union) is rumoured to be 40% Tory (Toriel) and has a low state school intake. Keble is more studenty (a bit less central) but is made of ugly red brick (acquired taste). Oriel is a rowing college, Keble is more football. I'd go for Keble personally but it's down to you.

Open applications are fine if you really don't know but I'd advise you to choose a college. At least this way you don't end up somewhere you really don't like the look of. I chose Christ Church because the tutors had a good reputation, is rich (so good welfare/bursaries etc) and you can live in all your time there (cheaper). Even if it's something as simple as this it's worth it.

Football at Keble? Not sure about that - they've not been in the top division for at least the last 6 years, although next year they'll be plying their trade there after finishing 3rd in division 1 and earning promotion to the premier league.... Personally I've heard more about them as a rugby playing college - not as big as St. Edmund Hall on that front though....