The Student Room Group

Mother Forbids Holiday

This is sort of Travel as well, but I thought it should in here, as it involves potential negotiation with parent.

I'd like to go to Egypt with my friend, Emma, this summer. This has been given a blessing by the mother. HOWEVER

If we depart end of June, price is £189 each for a week half board.

If we depart end of July, price is £359 each for a week half board.

Now which one would YOU choose? Apparently I'm not allowed at the end of June because it overlaps with my school speech day (I'm done with all exams and free from school, because I've completed A Levels). Now, it's my last one, but I don't really care. I won't be getting any of the prizes and no one will miss me. What would you do in my situation? Relent or pursue my dream of holidaying straight after exams?

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Have you tried getting another grown up, like one of your mums friends tospeak to your mother, she may be able to talk into being understanding.
Reply 2
Given the choice, I'd go at the end of June. I presume that you are paying for your holiday? If so, do you think there is any room for negotiation with your mum? It seems a small reason to put off going on holiday and it's not like it's crucial to your future or anything. I don't know your family situation but, is there any way she'd consider making up the difference between the price of the holidays?
Reply 3
Have you tried getting another grown up, like one of your mums friends tospeak to your mother, she may be able to talk into being understanding.

I don't know any growed up, and the only other one EMMA'S MOTHER ( :p: ), said I have to sometimes do things I don't want to, like spend an extra £150!
Could you talk to family about it, either that or talk to school, and see if they agree to you not being there maybe, i dont know what they would say though.
Reply 5
I'd go end of June for obvious reasons.

I'm sure your mother will come around eventually. Talking to her will be the only way to solve the problem though... Good luck.
Reply 6
Ignore her. Tell her your going at the end of june whether she likes it or not. If you win a prize and cant collect it on prize day, offer to give her personally the extra £150.
Reply 7
I've never actually heard of a school speech day. Is it important? They never had them in my day! :smile:
Is'nt it just like a posh leavers assembily where the teachers will talk at you for a bit and then hand out prizes and say good bye?
offer a compromise to your mother, say you will go july, but only if she pays the extra cost.

Say if she cares so much about your school, she would do it lol
You can earn an extra £150 easy. Just one night, not even a busy one. Pretty girl like you...hehe.

If the world's oldest profession doesn't appeal to you though, just tell your mother. Or go anyway.
Reply 11
talk to school, and see if they agree to you not being there maybe, i dont know what they would say though.

They would almost definitely say no. It's a compulsary school day and the school like to kick up a fuss about everything.

Is there no way you could go away at the beginning of July instead of the end of June (ie leave the day after speech day) or would that be just as expensive?
Reply 12
I've never actually heard of a school speech day. Is it important? They never had them in my day! :smile:

The whole school and parents sit outside and listen to principal give a speech. And a million other speeches, then about 30 (out of 700) kids get prizes and everyone leaves! It's so ridiculous. No one will even know I'm not there! Plus, what can they do? Give me a detention?

My mum works at the school and she thinks she'll look bad if I don't go, why does she care so much what other people think?
My mum works at the school and she thinks she'll look bad if I don't go, why does she care so much what other people think?

If she works there maybe she is worried about her job and how they will look at her after you've gone?
Reply 14
They would almost definitely say no. It's a compulsary school day and the school like to kick up a fuss about everything.

Is there no way you could go away at the beginning of July instead of the end of June (ie leave the day after speech day) or would that be just as expensive?

Why didn't I think of that?! It's a perfect compromise.
Reply 15

Is there no way you could go away at the beginning of July instead of the end of June (ie leave the day after speech day) or would that be just as expensive?

I know the school would kick up a fuss, which is why I would TELL not ASK (Can you see me doing that?!)

Anyway, unfortunately, my friend, Emma, has a lot of stuff going on from 6th to 21st July, so can't go away anytime between then! Silly Emma...
Reply 16
Don't go to the pointless "speech day". Nobody will care! At my old school at prize giving, the guy before me didn't show up, and nobody noticed or cared. If you go to this pointless day, you'll get home afterwards and think "that was a total waste of time".
Reply 17
Not such a perfect compromise after all, huh.

I guess you have to gauge how important it is to your mum that you are there, if you think it's not going to cause a real issue then tell her that you have thought about what she's said, but that you've decided you would be better off going in June.

You mention telling not asking your school. I think this is the best ploy all round, of course you have to be tactful, but i'm sure you knew that one! :wink:
Reply 18
if its the cost you're concerned about ask your mum to pay all or some of the difference between the two dates.
if its wanting to go straight after exams then... do something else...?
Reply 19
If your Mum is really bothered about it affecting her job (which I doubt it would) she could always say you had a bug or something.

Sit down and have a chat with her and basically say all you have said; how much it would cost, and about your friend being busy too. If you know anyone else who isn't going to speech day then use them as an example. If you get really, really stuck, say something about how you definitely think you won't get a prize and by going it will make you feel really bad that you didn't get one, lol.