The Student Room Group

Tingling sensation around neck/head

Does anyone know what this could be. Sometimes if I sit still for ages, I start to get this wierd tingly feeling at the back of my neck, then it goes in my head. I feel like I can't move because it's like I'm being sedated. It's a nice relaxed feeling but what is it?
Reply 1
Does anyone know what this could be. Sometimes if I sit still for ages, I start to get this wierd tingly feeling at the back of my neck, then it goes in my head. I feel like I can't move because it's like I'm being sedated. It's a nice relaxed feeling but what is it?

:eek: What! You reeeeeeaaaalllllyy should see a doctor sooner rather than later! anything to do with your head, neck or your back that makes you feel like you cannt move is in no way normal!
Reply 2
It might just be some form of cramp from sitting awkwardly for a long time. You might unconsciously tilt your neck slightly, or lean forwards.

Best to see a doctor though, just to rule out anything serious. :smile:
i would go see a doctor, just to make sure. i would suggest a trapped nerve, but they tend to be painful i think.
Reply 4
I can move my head, but I feel like I want to stay there with my head still because I'm so deeply relaxed.
I think i know what you mean. Can you also sort of hear it too when it happens. I personally wouldnt bother going to the doctor as its not having an adverse effect on me and it only happens occaionally. But thats just me.