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Who's doing neuroscience?how's is it as a degree?

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Reply 1 i know...usually people do neurosc as their master studies...postgraduate
Reply 2
kotrtim i know...usually people do neurosc as their master studies...postgraduate

Thats not true at all!
OP- They do neuroscience as an undergrad degree at Cardiff. We all do a common first year, and I had the chance to change to neuroscience. I quite enjoyed it and was thinking about changing, but I wasn't very keen on the psychology option. I think it would be fun just to be able to play with the new multi-million pound brain scanner they have just set up!
wooooow neuroscience!!!!!!! hopefully going to bristol (firm) or manchester (insurance) well looking forward to it. where u planning on going?
Im interested into what kinda of career opps there are from neuroscience? Same as physc is it? Just curious.
Reply 5
At manchester,in the life science departement at least, they offer cognitive neurscience and psychology as a degree as well as pure neuroscience,both at bsc level. I don't think that the 'career options' are exactly the same;though psychology and neuroscience are overlapping fields ,one is not equal to the other. That also obviously depends on your field of specialisation.
I was wondering what would be best as a course at undergraduate level cognitive neuroscience&psychology or neuroscience itself..
wooooow neuroscience!!!!!!! hopefully going to bristol (firm) or manchester (insurance) well looking forward to it. where u planning on going?

:biggrin: im going Bristol for Neuro aswell \o/ (i hope)
ill see u there then! (hopefully). which open day were u at?
i think it was 8th March. 8th of was one of the last ones
I'm studying BSc Neuroscience at Cardiff Uni at the moment. Have just come home for Summer. The first year is common with lots of other degree schemes. My first year modules were: Biological psychology, biochemistry and molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, human structure (anatomy), physiology and pharmacology. I have chosen my second year credits which include human neuroanatomy, experimental synaptic physiology, membrane mechanisms, physiology of the central nervous system, perception, special senses, central nervous system pharmacology and research dissertation. They all look really interesting.

Hope this helped in knowing whats in store for you if you are going to Uni in September to study neuroscience :smile:
I'm studying BSc Neuroscience at Cardiff Uni at the moment. Have just come home for Summer. The first year is common with lots of other degree schemes. My first year modules were: Biological psychology, biochemistry and molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, human structure (anatomy), physiology and pharmacology. I have chosen my second year credits which include human neuroanatomy, experimental synaptic physiology, membrane mechanisms, physiology of the central nervous system, perception, special senses, central nervous system pharmacology and research dissertation. They all look really interesting.

Hope this helped in knowing whats in store for you if you are going to Uni in September to study neuroscience :smile:

Sounds good, i've heard Neuroscience is really it?

If you don't mind me asking, what are you planning on doing after Neuro at Cardiff?
Sounds good, i've heard Neuroscience is really it?

If you don't mind me asking, what are you planning on doing after Neuro at Cardiff?

Well, as the first year has lots of common modules it is at the same level as some other schemes. The biomedical sciences degree scheme covers the same first year modules as I have done. With the first year modules some were harder than others. For example biochemistry and molecular biology involved memorising lots of metabolic pathways and as it was a 20 credit module there was one big exam with all the years work in it. Most of the modules were 10 credits so you would sit an exma at the end of the Autumn term for the work covered in that term and then one after the Spring terms work which covers just one terms work too.

I am not sure about what I am going to do after I have completed my degree. With Cardiff Uni you get the opportunity to take a year in industry where you go into a company for a year (takes the place of your third year) and have the chance to work in a lab doing research and then come back to complete your forth year. So if your not sure whether research is a good career for you then you can take up the year in industry and see how that goes.
Reply 12
Heya, planning on applying for neuroscience atm. Anyone got any advice on which are good unis or what i need to put in personal statment?
Reply 13
Just be genuine with your personal statement, & it'll be a piece of cake. Personally, I did not know that there actually was a course as Neuroscience as undergrad degree; I had not done much research abt UK universities and courses to be frank coz at that time I was only thinking about the States. I had applied for biomedical science, describing how I loved anything that had to do with biology, and a second paragraph on how I was also fascinated by psychology and planned on doing a second degree just for the fun :wink:. And when I went through Manchester's booklet, the Neuroscience degree with industrial placement seemed to be perfect!So, I changed my course. What I would advise you is to do some research about universities offering Neuroscience as undergrad, then look out for the opportunity to be on industrial placement. I think that you've got pretty good suggestions about universities ,as well as great idea about the course above.University of Manchester,Bristol and Cardiff are all pretty good.Just go on their websites,surf a little bit,email them to find out more.

Flying to University of Manchester in one week eeeeeeee!so xcited! Neuroscience will surely be rocking!Cheers & Good luck to all!
Reply 14
I finished first year MSci Neuroscience :smile: I'd applied to 5 different biomedical courses at the time though lol and got 5 offers. Good unis - my sister just graduated from Neuroscience from Aberdeen and is now doing a masters in Nutrition. I'm in University of Nottingham. I know Bristol and Manchester both offer Neuroscience as well. All the unis I've named are good if not one of the top.

Neuroscience is mainly Biology. Your core modules for your first year are gonna be the same as the Biology, Genetics, Zoology, Human Genetics students - I think maybe even Biochemistry students.

My core modules were:
Fundementals of Human Physiology and Pharmacology 1
Fundementals " " " " " 2
Cell Metabolism Practicals
Cell Metabolism Lectures
Genes and Cellular Control Practicals
Genes and Cellular Control Lectures
Neuroscience Tutorials NT1

Then I had 30 credits optional modules, for which I took:
Introduction to Genetics
Cognitive Psychology

Neuroscience is actually more diverse than you'd think. First year we cover anatomy, mostly - that's what Phys-Pharm was all about - all the systems of the body. You specialise more and more as you progress, but first year is basically core Biology, not much on the brain. But then it makes sense cus how can you begin to understand the brain if you don't know how the body functions? The course at Uni of Nottingham is very diverse and very rigorous. The course at Aberdeen is similar and my sister actually did Neuroscience with Psychology - it's not a joint honours. It's just Neuroscience, except they give you Psychology components too which is actually pretty cool.

My course was MSci. The one in Manchester I think is MNeuro, and my sister's BSc. The MSci includes a year at placement. MSci is undergraduate masters, 4 year course.
Reply 15
Just be genuine with your personal statement, & it'll be a piece of cake. Personally, I did not know that there actually was a course as Neuroscience as undergrad degree; I had not done much research abt UK universities and courses to be frank coz at that time I was only thinking about the States. I had applied for biomedical science, describing how I loved anything that had to do with biology, and a second paragraph on how I was also fascinated by psychology and planned on doing a second degree just for the fun :wink:. And when I went through Manchester's booklet, the Neuroscience degree with industrial placement seemed to be perfect!So, I changed my course. What I would advise you is to do some research about universities offering Neuroscience as undergrad, then look out for the opportunity to be on industrial placement. I think that you've got pretty good suggestions about universities ,as well as great idea about the course above.University of Manchester,Bristol and Cardiff are all pretty good.Just go on their websites,surf a little bit,email them to find out more.

Flying to University of Manchester in one week eeeeeeee!so xcited! Neuroscience will surely be rocking!Cheers & Good luck to all!

Don't forget University of Nottingham!!! :biggrin: In Notts, you get an undergrad Masters - MSci - where the industrial placement is compulsory. But then if you get industrial placement, you get paid :p:
Reply 16
my sister just graduated from Neuroscience from Aberdeen

Went up there for an open day. Has she liked the course? What's it like? Definatly thinking of applying up there.

Reply 17
Don't forget University of Nottingham!!! :biggrin: In Notts, you get an undergrad Masters - MSci - where the industrial placement is compulsory. But then if you get industrial placement, you get paid :p:

:smile: & The University of Nottingham of course!It's psychology department is ranked as one of the best in UK. I had got an offer for Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology from the university of Nottingham...I'm still wondering why I didn't accept the offer!Anyways, I'm kind of crazy at times, I refused quite a lot of highly ranked internaitonal universities for Manchester,maybe thst's what we call destiny hehe !
& Yes, your post gives a great insight into what's awaiting us ,so many thanks,was really helpful!
Reply 18
Went up there for an open day. Has she liked the course? What's it like? Definatly thinking of applying up there.


Yeh she loved Aberdeen and I assume the course too cus you simply can't do a degree for 4 years unless you loved it. She was crying towards the end of her 4th year cus she didn't wanna leave so much. I remember when she saw my Nottingham modules for Neuroscience, she said she did all those stuff too even though my course has the title "MSci" and hers a "BSc", but she basically took everything an MSci student did by the looks of it - can't be sure though so I could be wrong. I have yet to visit Aberdeen myself :redface: Her going up has always clashed with either A-Levels or me going to uni.

Dip - lol aww you should've come to Nottingham! :biggrin: I'm biased though, of course. I turned down my offer from Manchester cus they offered me AAB, for BSc Pharmacology, when Nottingham offered me BBB for MSci Neuroscience :rolleyes: Even though I could switch to Neurosci in Manchester, the offers and the title kinda put me off a bit lol :biggrin: and I'm not a city girl. I did love Manchester as a uni though.
Reply 19
Awww. My brother got kind of the same, upset about leaving Edinburgh uni, and i think the city it self.

Hehe one more question then I’ll stop. Just been reading about biomedical science on here and is there any equivalent to an accredited course for neuroscience? Anything that makes me more likely to get a job is good :-p.

Thanks alot,

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