The Student Room Group


Ok, this is gonna seem realli wierd but I have this horrible habit of being depressed...Its just, whenever something important goes wrong for me (usually relationship related) I get really down and I feel like im too 'dead' to do anything...I just dont have the energy. and now Ive begun having thoughts about killing myself and how everything would be easier if i was dead....

Its just, i know its probably not common but how many people have this as well and is there anything i can do to help me stop thinking and being this way?
I get like this from time to time. I was diagnosed with depression last winter and have struggled to cope with it. thankfully it's lifted now. I find when little things go bad, no matter how trivial, i wind back to being down and feeling everyone is better than me and I am a waste of space. For example, I had a bad weeeknd guy related and this past week I've been really down thinking nobody likes me etc.
It's a stupid way to think and I know you can't help thinking like this but the world wouldn't be any better if you were dead, in fact people would miss you, and some people may even think you were selfish for taking your life.
Just take things as they come and if you feel really bad, do something you enjoy, see some mates, watch a movie etc. keep busy, it's when you have nothing to do that leads to feeeling worthless etc. You're probably a lovely person :smile:
Feel free to pm me x
Reply 2
Aww, hun :hugs:
Don't think about life that way. Depression is a pain to deal with, but if you have the willpower then you can fight it :wink:

I'd give you some tips on how to minimise your depression, but in my experience they only really work for mild depression, and if you're contemplating suicide then it's clearly serious. Book yourself an appointment to see your doctor - if s/he's like mine, you'll be put on a prescription of antidepressants and be referred to a counsellor to talk your problems over. I'm currently on a course of prozac myself, and they seem to be working :smile:

Depression is far more common than you'd imagine - I believe I read that 16% of people will get depressed at some stage in their just happens that it happened to me at a very young age and has never gone away (mine started when I was 13, I'm now 19).
Reply 3
Im just really worried that I might go and do something stupid like get drunk and then decide to walk in front of a bus...

Im ok when im having a good time with my friends but as soon as i get alone time, i start to think and then everythng just goes of my mates said i should get a grip of myself and stop being such a moron...
Reply 4
Im ok when im having a good time with my friends but as soon as i get alone time, i start to think and then everythng just goes downhill...
Sounds also appear to be in the same boat as me in that you have times (like now) when you can think clearly and the depression isn't getting to you and you can see how the depression is making you feel.
Honestly, get professional help. I usually don't advocate it, but it DOES help. These moments of clarity you have show that you don't want to kill yourself, but when you're in the depressive mindset there's nothing that's going to stop you. I was exactly the same - the other day I gave a bag filled with 200 paracetamol tablets to my dad and told him to put them somewhere that I wouldn't be able to get at them, because I know that if my exam results aren't good and I get depressed again then I will have absolutely no fear in taking my life.
These are desperate times for you, and they call for desperate measures.

one of my mates said i should get a grip of myself and stop being such a moron
A touch insensitive, but true to an extent. You have to dig down deep inside and find inner strength to keep going and to battle the depression. It's hard and can be very mentally fatiguing, but it can be done.
Reply 5
I agree with Dalimyr. Just go and see a doctor about it. If you're finding it hard to cope with on your own, then you need to share this with someone else, who can help you to see clearly, maybe give you counselling or medication until things get sorted out.
But here's an idea: if you get depressed over little tiny things going wrong in your life, just remember that there are LOADS of people that feel the same, and don't let it get to the stage where you're depressed. Laugh things off, try harder next time, or just roll your eyes and think 'whatever!'. Because the chances are high that you'll have much better days, and what does one thing going wrong matter when you've got a life ahead of you to lead?
Reply 6
Thanks...I think Im beginning to see what your getting at :smile:
Doctors can also sign you up for a free course of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)- this has worked absolute wonders for friends of mine- because they've found that they have methods to cope with how they feel. This is an illness and it's nothing to be ashamed of. You need to go and get treatment like you would for any other illness- just talking to someone about it will help make things clearer.
Reply 8
yeah we had a talk on depression and how anyone could get it, and how serious it can get...... it had a page on what not to say, that was funny. Then again i find that girls get "depressed" all the time and guys, well, they just seemed depressed most of the time
Reply 9
Then again i find that girls get "depressed" all the time and guys, well, they just seemed depressed most of the time
Statistically women are more prone to depression than men, but there is some doubt about the accuracy of this - it's believed that women are more inclined to admit their depression and seek help for it whereas men are more inclined to try and ride it out by themselves and hope it goes away (not a very wise thing to do, and I found that out the hard way).