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Kent to chav?????

i just read an article on kent being the new chav county.,,30100-13526608,00.html

Is this true then? what do you think
:eek: kent is beautiful...stayed at kent uni with my cousin the other week and didn't see one chav in canterbury, it was amazing! :smile:
Kent is NOT the Garden of Bloody England, it's as fieldy and normal as Buckinghamshire. I can't believe it has that title. It is flat as f**k.
'The top five counties were North Yorkshire, Devon, Derbyshire, Gloucestershire and Kent' - these people have NO IDEA what they're on about, I mean, where's Cornwall, Dorset and Cumbria??? Derbyshire has the most boring and dull landscape I've ever seen, and Gloucestershire...WTF.
So that makes the article an absolute load of bull in itself. It is true that Ashford near the Chunnel (Eurostar) is absolutely full of Chavs, but Canterbury is reasonably devoid, especially near the main University. I've also visited Christchurch student union a few times and there is a distinct lack of Chavs even there.
You want to worry about certain people in Canterbury? Try the tourists...
Canterbury is exceedingly pleasant compared to 'Trashford' Ashford. Its a really nice, small city although it is full of tourists!
Reply 4
Kent is not chav county! I have lived in Kent my whole life and would never call it chav county! It has just as many 'chavs' as anywhere else! and believe me, I would know. I live 20minutes from chatham, where 'chavs' were said to origionate! Also, as for Kent being the Garden of England, if you don't agree with this, well thats your own opinion, but I spend half my time in the countryside with horses, and Kent has some of the nicest rural areas in the country. Which i'd say is pretty lucky seeing as Kent is the main route from the continent into Britain and also on the edge of London.
im in kent....the big area of kent with chavs there is in chatham, kent is a big place theres only a few areas where there r chavs
Reply 6
Kent - I've lived their 19 years and as far as I'm aware, wasnt the concept of chav supposed to come from Chatham (in Kent) so I'm quite surprised people are shocked by this comment.

The villages are nice areas, even the towns aren't terrible..

Ashford, (being my hometown I feel I can really comment here), there are a LOT of chavs..I vaguely remember about 6 years ago when chav started becoming the 'in' thing.. and they seemed to increase in numbers from there..

Now I haven't been to Canterbury for 2 years (as I can't say it's really worth the journey..) but it was never seemed to have a big chav population.. was more a grungey thing.. but I guess this is all reflected in the shops Ashford has and Canterbury has (or at least had..)

Oh and yes, Chatham.. indeed.
Reply 7
Well if you do go to the University, when you live off-campus... (a significant majority) will go to one of two areas, both have either chavs or students
Reply 8
Kent - I've lived their 19 years and as far as I'm aware, wasnt the concept of chav supposed to come from Chatham (in Kent) so I'm quite surprised people are shocked by this comment.

Chav is not derived from 'Chatham' a chav was a word used by Travellers, Gypsies and Pikeys to mean young boy, I really don't know where people get the idea that chav was from the word Chatham. The new Chav is just a newer word for Pikey, and all it means now is teenagers wearing too much gold and too much sportswear. A boy who wants to wear a comfy tracksuit and a baseball cap because he probably can't be bothered to do his hair is labelled as a chav nowadays. Where is the sense in that.
Reply 9
Chatham just has a lot of teenagers who wear tracksuits. Not actually Chavs, just normal teenagers wearing clothes that they think are comfy. Canterbury in my opinion is full of Grungy types, non comformists and skaters. Not my type at all. So glad I chose to go to Medway. Lol.
Reply 10
Yup, used to live there too. Canterbury is quite a cool town, but then I've only been a few times. As for chatham...the less said the better really.
Reply 11
Canterbury is lovely. :smile: I've lived in Kent all my life, and my hometown (Tonbridge) is chav central. If Kent's the garden of England, Tonbridge is its compost heap. But Kent in general, well, I don't think it's any more chavvy than many other places.
Reply 12
Have you been to Thanet (Margate, Ramsgate, Broadstairs)? Chavtastic! They are scary and often violent.
If I remember correctly, Chav is an old Kent slang word for mate or friend, still used in Australia. If you want the garden of England, take a day trip to the Weald area, south of Maidstone. Lots of lovely scenery and villages. Bloody expensive to buy a house though!
Reply 14
Have you been to Thanet (Margate, Ramsgate, Broadstairs)? Chavtastic! They are scary and often violent.

I live in Thanet, and yes, it is utterly disgusting. Margate is particularly overrun with chavs.
Reply 15
Got the urge to post, i'm not at Kent uni but its where i have lived for most of my life!

Just didn't like tha place, canturbury is ok, but gravesend, thanet, most of medway, dartford...eugh. All i'm saying is i'm glad to have left the dump now :biggrin:
So it's 2017 and this post is relevant today, I live in herne bay near Margate, honestly this is true. Kent is chav central. At first it started of as just areas in the Medway and some like herne bay, Margate, Chaversham (faversham) and ramsgate. But now even 'nice' areas like whitstable are full to the brim with Chavy roadman wannabes. Funny thing is all the Kent old people and snobs try to cover this up to there best ability. To the point where they try to avoid media attention when someone gets stabbed. Don't move to Kent thinking it's nice. It's the home to many violent foul mouthed chavs.
Original post by mo_ibz
i just read an article on kent being the new chav county.,,30100-13526608,00.html

Is this true then? what do you think

Yeah it’s very true
I've been living in Canterbury for about 3 years now and I really do not think its the 'new chav county' at all. I tried to open the article you linked but I couldn't so I can't talk about anything directly in the article, but even so, I'd say it's more student county if anything, especially Canterbury. The main people you'd come across in Canterbury are probably either students from one of the 3 unis or tourists/school trips to the Cathedral. I can't necessarily speak for the rest of Kent as I've only gone as far as Whitstable from Canterbury, but from my experience I don't think this is true.
Original post by mo_ibz
i just read an article on kent being the new chav county.,,30100-13526608,00.html

Is this true then? what do you think

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