Kent is NOT the Garden of Bloody England, it's as fieldy and normal as Buckinghamshire. I can't believe it has that title. It is flat as f**k.
'The top five counties were North Yorkshire, Devon, Derbyshire, Gloucestershire and Kent' - these people have NO IDEA what they're on about, I mean, where's Cornwall, Dorset and Cumbria??? Derbyshire has the most boring and dull landscape I've ever seen, and Gloucestershire...WTF.
So that makes the article an absolute load of bull in itself. It is true that Ashford near the Chunnel (Eurostar) is absolutely full of Chavs, but Canterbury is reasonably devoid, especially near the main University. I've also visited Christchurch student union a few times and there is a distinct lack of Chavs even there.
You want to worry about certain people in Canterbury? Try the tourists...