The Student Room Group

Friend or Romance?

This is a tricky one...

I'm a guy and I've recently become really good friends with this guy I work with. We see each other a lot and socialise together. There have been rumours about his sexuality but nothing definate to suggest he (like myself) could be bisexual. He slept over a couple of weeks ago and we had a bit of a joke round asking each other about sexuality etc and he admitted to being bisexual. He said he would happily jump into my bed and loads of stuff like that but we both laughed it all off. There was a lot of flirting but I think both of us were scared of taking it any further.

Now he claims he is not bisexual but we are still as good a friends as ever and see each other loads. There are still really obvious moments of flirting and I just don't really know what to do. For the past couple of nights I haven't been able to sleep from thinking about him and I think I could be falling in.... :eek: well you know! But could he be bisexual or is he just mucking around with me? Anyone got any tips or been in similar situation? Thanks x
Reply 1
Ha, ive always heard women love an air of mystery to a person. I guess playing the Bi card works! Not that id try it. Maybe he is bi i dont know! Seems abit strange to say yeah im bi and the next to say no im not. Well if he slept round thats a good sign! The flirting helps i guess it might be something more than just friendship. You should talk to him abuot it and ask him how he would feel about taking your relationship further.
Reply 2
This is a tricky one...

I'm a guy and I've recently become really good friends with this guy I work with. We see each other a lot and socialise together. There have been rumours about his sexuality but nothing definate to suggest he (like myself) could be bisexual. He slept over a couple of weeks ago and we had a bit of a joke round asking each other about sexuality etc and he admitted to being bisexual. He said he would happily jump into my bed and loads of stuff like that but we both laughed it all off. There was a lot of flirting but I think both of us were scared of taking it any further.

Now he claims he is not bisexual but we are still as good a friends as ever and see each other loads. There are still really obvious moments of flirting and I just don't really know what to do. For the past couple of nights I haven't been able to sleep from thinking about him and I think I could be falling in.... :eek: well you know! But could he be bisexual or is he just mucking around with me? Anyone got any tips or been in similar situation? Thanks x

No struely straight man would flirt with another bloke and then tell him he's Bi.

He's obviously just shy.
Reply 3
I've text him a few times today with various hints but nothing he has truly picked up on or replied about. At one point I said lets just kiss and get all this over with... no reply!
:eek: confusing. he could be playing with you or maybe hes just scared about coming out? *not got any relevent experience due to being a straight woman*
No struely straight man would flirt with another bloke and then tell him he's Bi.

not true
Reply 6
I disagree too. A guy flirting with another guy does not necessarily equal a gay guy. Me and my best mate always fool around like that but it doesn't mean anything.
u know, he liks u fr sure, otherwise he would not flirt with you! And he probaly was giving u hints, that he wants u etc, but since you didnt act in any way, he got sceared and steped back, saying he is NOT bi. Well, if you like him, I guess u can return these romatic feelings in him, if i were you Id invite him to my place, and make dinner, with wine, strong one, and then after the bottle if finished u do ur first step...I just think that alcohol would help both of you to relax...good luck!
Reply 8
I thought about giving him the link to this thread? :confused:
Reply 9
Went out for a few drinks tonight with him, broached the subject of relationships and stuff. I told him I'd ''experimented'' with men before but he strongly denied he ever had or would and even said I'd made him feel sick :confused:

Then later on he said he didn't believe me and thought I was just saying it to see what reaction he gave me.... I'm VERY confused! On the surface I'd say I'm not in luck this time, but why should he bother what his reaction is if he is straight?