I'm still waiting on my A-Level results but I'm predicted two A*s and since you don't have any other answers I thought I'd weigh in a little

I spent the vast majority of my free periods sleeping, if I'm honest. Those that I didn't spend sleeping I spent catching up on missed work or hunting down teachers to ask them about work I didn't understand. I only had three free periods a week, though.
I started making revision notes for my exams around the start of April, but I didn't start properly revising until May. When I was still at Sixth Form, I'd use my evenings to revise for maybe 2 or 3 hours a day, and then when we went on study leave I'd usually get up at around 10 and revise until 12, then have lunch and watch a bit of TV, then revise from 2ish until 6ish, have dinner and watch more TV, then revise 9ish until I got too tired to read my notes, and then I'd go to bed and stay up until 1am, which in hindsight wasn't the best idea for a "ready mind" but hey-ho.
I think the reason I got away with being so lazy with my revision schedule was because I had worked quite hard throughout the year during lessons and I made sure I understood everything at the time that we learnt it so that when it came to revision I knew what was going on. If I was revising something that I found complicated I'd spend a lot longer on it, and if I was revising something that I found simple, I'd spend like an hour on it and then give myself the rest of the day off. I knew people who spent literally every waking hour revising when it came to exams, and I don't think it ever really did them any good- they tended to be much more tired and stressed out on the exam day.
Anyway the moral of the story is, if you put a lot of work and effort in during the entire year, then the revision period becomes much easier and you don't have to push yourself as hard
Also, with regards to the A*, past papers are vital to getting high marks- the same questions come up over and over again so you can basically learn where the marks are, it makes it much easier to get over 90%!