The Student Room Group

The Pill affecting the skin

In January I changed my pill from Loestrin 20 to Microgynon 30 because I was getting breakthrough bleeds. A week after starting the new pill my whole body started to develop some form of eczema on it. At first it was in big patches but then spead to a constant layer. It turned my body bright red, dry, sore, itchy and stiff. I didn't link it to the pill to begin with but about 2 and 1/2 months after taking it I decided to stop. My skin started to get better and for 4 days it completely cleared up and I looked normal with soft, clear, light skin! But then it came back just as worse!

I am now at a loss, I'm in constant pain as it's covered my whole body. I've cut out all different foods and tried lots of creams (The only thing that helps is Aqueous cream to stop it drying out and cracking!) and I know it is not stress. Doctors are rubbish and don't know what is wrong! They want to put me on steroids (Which will only surpress is until I stop them and it comes back!) or cancer tablets, there must be something else!

Has anyone else had a similar problem? Any advice, eg. with Speciallists, Creams, Natural Thearipies? Thanks!x
Reply 1
All I can advise is find a better doctor.
Reply 2
Go back to Loestrin 20? I dunno.

And surely your GP should send you to some kind of specialist if he doesn't know what's wrong.
Reply 3
Well it could be stress, I am recovering from a stress-indecued skin infection, may have nothing to do with the Pill directly.

But I am male what would I know? Go see your doctor, or ring NHS Direct.
Reply 4
Thanks for your help!
Its weird, I've had stress eczema before and it's completely different. I've got the dermatoligist in 2 weeks (Taken 4 months). The pill is the only thing I changed at the time it started. I've just kind of given up at the moment and don't know what to do! :frown:
Reply 5
Could be down to allergies or anything. Im on the same pill, ive never had any problems with it. Any skin rashes i get are related to my hey fever, because ive had them before i started on the pill.
Reply 6
I use Unguentum M cream on my eczema, used to get it from Asda, but for some reason can only get it from the docs now. If they're a little reluctant to give you it say you've had it from Asda before. (Mine didn't want me to have it because it's about £7 a tube, and was like "Oh i might get a phone call from blablabla about it if he'd given me the Aqueous cream aswell, but you can buy that one in shops anyway)

People here have recommended Dream Cream from Lush too, though it is quite expensive, about £9, I think.

and pat Dry after you have a shower, I know it may sound obvious but I've found myself rubbing my eczema dry too many times and it's so bad for it.

Reply 7

I didn't have exactly the same problem but when I came off the pill the skin on my face got really bad, not acne but similar. I went back on the pill simply because it was so bad and now I can't seem to sort it out, no matter what I use. And the Dr was no good either.

Sorry haven't got any advice for you, just keep going to the Dr's until they give you something that works