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How can I let her know that I'm trustworthy?

Basically I have been going out with my girlfriend for a few months now and we are really good together and get on really well. However before we started going out I had booked to go on holiday to Greece with my closest friends (4 girls and 3 other boys). One of the girls who we're going with I dated for about a month over a year ago but we were too much like friends and we broke up. Anyway as we were all part of the same friendship group we remained good friends. Around the time that I started going out with my current girlfriend she told people that she would like us to get back together and started doing stuff like coming to more things that I was doing and sending me texts for no real reason. I did nothing to encourage this by the way, I was only friendly in the same way as I'd always been. Anyway after I started going out with my girlfriend we didn't tell anyone for a while, but when we did she was apparently quite upset about it. My girlfriend asked about her the other night and I thought I'd rather tell her than have someone else do it and think I'd have something to hide (she is friends with some of my friends). Though she said she was fine with it she was clearly a bit pariniod about it and worried.

Now I have never cheated on any of my girlfriends and would never do it on this parlicular one, but she didn't really know me before we started going out. How do I persuade her that nothing will happen between me and my friend on holiday?

Reply 1
Mate, you shouldn't need to convince her of anything. You said it yourself, you've never cheated before. You've been together for a few months now and there've been no problems have there? You've been friends with these people before getting with her right, so why should anything happen now that hasn't before? Relationships are all about trust, and it seems like it's something she needs to work on if you two are to have much of a future, there's only so much you can do.

could you not find someone to take your place on this holiday or arrange for your girlfriend to go with you?
don't bother- just show after the holiday that you still like her
Reply 4
I understand where shes coming from, obviously she'll be worried, after a few months in a relationship you can't be totally secure and comfortable because you don't know each other well enough yet. She can't be expected to show 100% trust because you havn't had enough time to prove your 100% trustworthy....I'm sure it works vice versa. Put yourself in her shoes a second and at least understand.
The only way to let her know you're trustworthy is to be trustworthy. I mean, if you're sure nothings going to happen, theres nothing to worry about and there will be nothing to prove to your girlfriend. Understand her insecurity though and be careful with it...don't let her get paranoid or controlling.
you cant, sorry but women get very paranoid about these things. No matter how much you try she will always have the doubts just go and have fun, you know you wont cheat. But if she isnt satisfied with that then tough on her