I've got a new girlfriend, and we are a perfect match for each other (or so we keep getting told), but the only problem I have is that my girlfriend has mild schizophrenia with multiple personality disorder.
Her main, dominant personality is wonderful, but her other personality is full of hate for both herself and those around her, and she will self harm in this personality. The lesser personality doesn't make an appearance very often, about twice a month, but when it does show up, I don't like it at all. She starts going on about how she hates her life, how she hates me etc... and she then proceeds to cut herself quite a bit.
I'll be honest and say that I have this thing against self harming, and I generally don't like self harmers because of people I knew years ago, and it really upsets me to see my girlfriend like this, but I don't know what to do. A part of me wants to say if you don't stop with the cutting, I'm just going to leave, but the large part of me wants to stand by her and be there for her.
What do you guys advise for this situation? Should I back away and not get emotionally hurt, or should I try and support her and know it may all be for nothing?