I wrote an even longer, more detailed and rambling post last night but I'm glad I didn't submit it, am rewriting today to make it clearer now I'm not so tired. Sorry its still not too clear but I did my best.
Basically a girl who I have liked for quite a long time, Sarah, and I met on a night out and I finally told her how I felt about her and asked whether she wanted to take our friendship further. Upshot of this was that she said that nothing could happen, as a friend of hers fancies me and so she couldn't risk harming that friendship by being with me.
The next day we texted each other, her explaining how confused she was about the whole situation but that she valued her close friendship with this other girl and would never want to hurt her in any way. Now I honestly respect her decision and I can understand the predicament she is in and that her friendship, as close as they are, should take precedence, and told her as such. She made it clear that whatever happened she wanted to stay close friends, as we had grown to be recently, and I replied the same; she is such a fantastic person I couldn't bear to lose her as a friend as well as anything more. I haven't seen her since but we have talked again on MSN and it was pretty much like things were before.
I guess my problem is that I too am wholly confused, I have all sorts of thoughts about it going around in my head and its hard to concentrate on anything else but this situation.
I know parts of this may sound big headed or whatever but I really only want to say what I mean clearly as possible, I'm really not and I don't mean it come across as so, but-
If her other friend didn't like me it would seem like all would be perfect and we could be together now, that we both want to but she is what's stopping us. Whoever she is I don't care as I can't even consider another girl at this moment, it would be so wrong and surely upset Sarah exactly the same way if anything did happen with this other girl, as it would for her friend if Sarah and I were together?
If there really is no chance for anything to change that would enable something to happen between us, as I said I will respect and I do understand her decision, and if we can only be friends then that is all that will happen; it hurts, but it will be okay. But I also worry that as friends, however hard I try I could never fully get over her and always at the back of my mind like her in a different way (or her the same for me), which wouldn't be a good basis on which to hold the friendship at all. However, she really is such a great person I would hate to ever end or lessen contact with her, due to all this or for any other reason; I feel so privileged to know her and get on so well it would upset me more than I can say.
I almost feel anger towards her friend for effectively putting this barrier between Sarah and I so that we cannot be together as anything more than friends, its as though because of it there are three unhappy people without the person they want, instead of two happy together out of the three; I know this is really selfish and stupid, but I can't help it, it's just part of what I feel now.
I also don't know what would happen if her friend went off me or found someone else, whether that would mean we could be together or whether its now too late, and if Sarah would feel the same. I'm not sure how I or her would know or if it would still be appropriate, either, but I guess this happening would be the only real way Sarah and I could be more than friends now. However after trying to suppress this attraction to her so we can remain friends it would suddenly all change and I don't know if that would work for her or me.
I also don't know who this other girl is, Sarah wouldn't tell me that night and I didn't press the question, and I'm not sure if it would be okay now to ask her.
I hope this comes across as I mean it to, I just wanted to know if anyone has been in the same position and what I should do. I want us to be happy together, but her decision to be friends now to avoid hurting her other friend I can and will accept, as long as theres no other chance that theres a way we could be together without hurting her other friend, or in fact making things worse between us if she thinks that I'm pushing it or interfering more.
Am I being a complete plank and missing something here, should I just stop and be thankful we're still able to be close friends, or is it obvious what I should do now, I don't know.
Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.