The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Thanks domakesaythink, guess i just gotta distract myself!
Reply 2
That's my problem too, I hate not being in a relationship. I'd say find something else to fill your time with, like DMST said, and remember that you want a guy...we don't need them as such :smile: Hang in there.
i've always had the opposite problem:redface: I find im very independent and find it very hard to give up that independence; i like to think for myself and its always been hard to work myself around someone else (essentially i guess its selfishness:rolleyes: )
i think part of it though, was just not being interested; everything's been much easier with my current boyfriend; it all seems to 'fit' if you know what i mean.
it could be the same with the next guy though, i think you have to focus on the here and now; if being in a relationship is what makes you happy then keep your eyes open, but while you're not, enjoy being you for a while; make split second decisions and love that you dont have to consult someone else, or flirt ridiculously with every guy you meet that you remotely like the look of; being single can be great, make it work for you:smile:
me too and when i do finally meet someone they turn out to be such idiots :frown:

just hold out, and socalise ALOT
Reply 5
You aren't nearly 16 by any chance?
Reply 6
Definitely try and find an immersive hobby of some sort. I find that I can while away hours playing guitar or writing or taking photographs, and that would always distract me from anything and everything else in the world. :smile:
stop being an attention seeker and live with it

If you're gonna post that, at least have the *******s to not go anon. spineless.
Reply 8
Thanks for the advice guys.

And no, i nearly 19

:smile: x
Urm, I was just wondering how or why my post from this thread was deleted?