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Reply 1
Honestly? I couldn't give a **** about money. At the end of the day it's personality and unfortunately looks that matter, and how you are together with a person.
im very shallow and to me money is everything, if he cant buy me nice things and take me out how is he gonna support our family etc (as in a husband)
Reply 3
they can buy them stuff?
Reply 4
literally just spoke to sum1 who wants a rich man, im sure some was jest but it is a factor in her looking for a man. Maybe just the security and such.
And eventually a lot of love toward a person (if u take the nature side of the debate) is explained by evolution, in a girl evolution dictates pick the best provider. The best provider may not be the most handsome guy but someone who will keep her happy, have a roof over her head, some luxuries and look after their children.
And i cant see how u can do all of that without a little money.
So one explanation is evolution :smile:

Probs not what u wanted to hear
Reply 5
Rich men have for the most part proven themselves intelligent and dynamic, are usually fairly in shape and motivated, drive nice cars have good houses and eat at fancy restaurants... sounds shallow but all of these things combine to make an attractive partner..
its a bit like asking why do guys go for blonde hair and big boobs?...
money is our weakness
just as breasts are men's
so you guys are saying money makes you happy? but according to a recent research money means mo problems...

what about if you see a guy whos hot, nice, intelligient, but quite poor and in debts...would that be a turn off? thats what im saying....does money make you happy?
Reply 8
depends how materialistic they are. if they're some sort of hippy pagan, then they probably wouldn't care as much.
Reply 9
when asked, more than two thirds of lottery winners said they were just as happy, or less happy, one year after they won the lottery than the week before.

you can make the connection.
Well you say "like" and yes I think we all "like" money :P

If wat ur asking is would a girl choose a rich man whom she dislikes over a poorer man she does like then the answer is unlikely...unless she marries him then gets divorced and takes half his money. The woman who would do such a thing however would be a caniving, foul, shallow, and malicious <insert offensive word/phrase here> and sadly they do exist.

In all things one must be practical as well as live the ideal: u cant just live in a fairy tale with no regard to life and neither can u live only with regard to life with no ideals u wish to uphold. Its all a balancing act: all things in moderation.

Plus...this is just my opinion and I am probably biased because I hold women in such high regard, but it tends to be the men that are more shallow(ie only going out with the sexiest women they can find and to completely ignore everything else) as opposed to the women.

Just my thoughts.
Reply 11
money is a bonus in a man, but not a necessity

at 17, it wouldn't put me off a guy if he didnt have money, it wouldn't attract me if he did

at 30, maybe to both
Reply 12
It seems like girls are really attracted to rich do you girls feel about this? would you prefer an 'ok' guy who has a fat wallet? Does money give you security?

Why do boys these days like to generalise?


I couldn't care less how much money a guy has, and women who do care tend to annoy me (shallow, superficial, golddiggers...)
Meh, it's nice to have lunch or a little present bought for you now and then, but it's certainly not the be all and end all for me. And there's nothing stopping girls getting the bill too, in my opinion. If I can spend my own money single, I can do it in a relationship too. Wouldn't want to rely on a man.
It seems like girls are really attracted to rich do you girls feel about this? would you prefer an 'ok' guy who has a fat wallet? Does money give you security?

Being 'rich' isn't important as such, but being broke, if it's because you're not working/are irresponsible with money is really unattractive and it causes arguments as far as I've experienced.

I like going out lots and I'm able to pay for myself...I get irritated if I have to constantly support a boyfriend as well. When I was about 15/16 I probably wouldn't have cared but I tend to think longer term in relationships now, and while it might not be the 'correct' thing to say, being able to support yourself financially is important on both sides. IMO if you think otherwise you're either very laid back (which is good, but I'm just not), or very young.
Reply 15
It's not "girls these days" - it's been girls forever and ever. Never read Pride and Prejudice? Getting a rich man then was even more important than now.

Given that I know I'll be reasonably financially stable myself in the future, it doesn't bother me how much any potential partner earns. It would annoy me if they were continually scrounging or really irresponsible with money, but not being rich is not a problem.
Reply 16
To me, money is a factor but purely for the fact that id have so much more respect for a man who made his own money, fairly and by working hard. I dont care if he earns £100 billion pounds a week or £100 (maybe slight exageration there) as long as together, we could both support eachother financially.
Tbh, i used to be more materialistic, and used to joke about 'marrying rich' when i was older but i dont really think i ever meant it truthfully and now, i actually think it would be quite boring actually having it just handed to me on a plate, id rather work for my own money than rely on someone elses.
Reply 17
I think you could write a book, or several on this topic. It's not one that particularly interests me. I think however, If I did write that book, or indeed an over extended blog or forum post I would only end up back where I started, not letting it bother me. I think we often lead ourselves into a certain paranoid state, about looks, weight, clothes, fashion, money, fitness, diet. I used to care, I used to write in my diary about these subjects, but soemtimes things happen, people come into your life, your read things, and you end up just not caring. I think that's about where I am at the moment.

Let all those that are attracted to money be attracted. Everyone finds different things attractive. Im starting to over contemplate this little thread already. So I will stop myself.
It seems like girls are really attracted to rich do you girls feel about this? would you prefer an 'ok' guy who has a fat wallet? Does money give you security?

please no generalisations here.. i'd much rather go for a guy i genuinely care about, i don't care for his money.. even though i do know some people who do but i don't think that's right.. it's completely unfair to the guy and they'll never be happy.. MONEY DOESN'T BUY HAPPINESS!!!!!!!!!!:wink:
It seems like girls are really attracted to rich do you girls feel about this? would you prefer an 'ok' guy who has a fat wallet? Does money give you security?

Ok, I'm going to post from the other side of the fence to the OP here.

I'm a rich girl, and I find I have to hide it. I don't think I'd trust anyone I knew enough to go out with them because I'd always wonder if that's why they were with me. Luckily, I met some random bloke and we hit it off, and I chose not to tell him until a few months into our relationship.

I think men PREFER to be the richer ones in relationships, because that's how they think it should be, I know my boyfriend is intensely uncomfortable with it sometimes. Like, I'd like to go on holiday with him next Easter, but I'd like to stay in a nice hotel, and this will cost us at least £350 each, he's really pissy about just letting me pay :frown:

I also agree with the person who said that more money doesn't mean more happiness, it REALLY doesn't.

It pisses me off that some girls DO go after rich men, but if they're so sure they have no talent and can't get anywhere in life on their own, then maybe they feel they NEED a rich man. It's quite sad really :frown: