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Reply 1
Out of interest, if you're so fine about talking about it.. why are you posting anonymously? lol
Reply 2
Depends who I'm talking to, but I guess I'm quite reserved about it all. I don't think it's something that I have to tell the world.
Reply 3
I don't like listening to people just going on about their sex life, and I would never just randomly talk about it.

But if we're having a serious discussion or someone asks a serious question, I don't mind talking about sex!
Reply 4
I don't talk about it much, quite reserved in that way.
i think its fine talking about sex,its only aqward if you dont know what your talking about or the people you are with.

also the age thing, when i was 13 it was like omg sex lolzzz:rolleyes: but now its nothing really
Reply 6
I'm open about talking about sex to my mates/bfs and people i feel comfortable around, people comment on my openess. However i become more reserved with people i don't know and folks and things. I see no big deal in talking about sex really.
im open and honest with my best friends and my boyfriend; discussing sex has never been a problem.
im glad its not; its a part of life and i think discussing it is, if not important, part of life at the moment anyway.....
not so keen on randomly talking about it with random people; maybe to an extent but i certainly wouldnt be as open.....
I can talk about it with one of my friends and am very open with my boyfriend but I'm very reserved with everyone else.
Reply 9
I managed to put my interests in pornography on my personal statement. :smile: I lie not.
Reply 10
I don't mind it at all. I'm very open about anything that even remotely relates to sex(uality). That's probably why I've not even once used the anonymous function on TSR. :proud:
I feel fine talking about it with anyone, including my mum. However I often stop myself, as to be fair they probably don't want to know!
I've never been comfortable talking about it, with anyone. I'm very very naive and never ever really talk about it to anyone. I hope I become more comfortable with it at some point.
Reply 13
ive never felt the need to talk about it openly to anyone, but if a serious matter relating to sex such as health were to occur i would comfortably talk about it.
i thought i didnt mind talkin bout it and was pretty laid back and open minded but OMG one of my mates is driving me crazy because every bloody conversation comes back to sex-her sex life, askin me really personal questions, loads of double meaning yadda yadda yadda.if i wasnt certain she was straight id think she was trying to flirt! its startin to get like i dont wanna hang out with her anymore cos i feel so uncomfortable
Reply 15
Mostly Im fine with it, although I probably talk about it too much.
I don't discuss the intimacies of my relationship with anyone. It's between me and him and that's how I like it, something only we share. :suith:

However, I am mature enough to discuss sex without embarrassment - what's to be embarrassed about?
Reply 17
I don't have a problem with talking about it. However, it's got to be with the right people as it's hard to talk about without at least to some extent giving away stuff from your own personal experience. I don't even mind quite graphic discussion, again with the right people, but there's some stuff I wouldn't ever talk about - anything that's very personal between me and the guy.
Out of interest, if you're so fine about talking about it.. why are you posting anonymously? lol

^ good observation lol
It depends in what context. If it's just about the general topic then I'm absolutely fine with it. If it's about more personal stuff then I'm more reserved. I won't flat out not talk about it, but there are obviously some things where I don't know why people would want to know about it in the first place :rolleyes: