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Parents knowing stuff.

I dont know why, but for some reason I do what I can to keep my parents out of all knowledge my social life, rarely mixing social life with my home life. Also, for some reason (I dont know why), I would feel really weird about my parents knowing if I had a girlfreind/ meeting her. I dont know why I am like this and I really dont want to be, but I am. Is anyone else like this or have any suggestions?
Reply 1
Im 17 btw.
Reply 2
ur a teenager that doesnt want ur parents in ur rare :rolleyes: well i tell my parents gives me more freedom and they know a lot more than my friends and are cool about most things
im exactly the same, no idea why.
Maybe cos a lot of competition between my bro and i aswell, hes the socialite popular with girls, and well im not.
No idea why i do it, just kinda naturally happens. I do regret it but then cant think how to bring it into the conversation or talk about it.
Reply 4
i just do it because my parents like to take the mic out of me and are very protective. im getting together with my best friend who is a girl soon and she hurt me a lot last year so my parents now dont like her too much. so thats why i wont tell them about her straight away. when it comes to me going out, they are always stressing about being safe etc when i already know, i basically just get bored of hearing the same thing over and over again. im 18 btw.
I dont know why, but for some reason I do what I can to keep my parents out of all knowledge my social life, rarely mixing social life with my home life. Also, for some reason (I dont know why), I would feel really weird about my parents knowing if I had a girlfreind/ meeting her. I dont know why I am like this and I really dont want to be, but I am. Is anyone else like this or have any suggestions?

Yup I'm the same! i'll tell them the odd thing sometimes if it's relevent to conversation.

I know my mum would be like... "Ahhh, you've got a girlfriend!" and be embarrassing. And ask lots of questions.
just had this problem.had a pic of my and bf in bed-not incriminating-but dad went searchin throught the comp and throught my files 2 find this picture..he was shoutin threatining my bf etc like im 18-not a child anymore nothing 2 hide otherwise i wouldnt have put it on the comp i hate having no privacy,this is why i dnt tell them anythin-cuz they fly off the handle
Reply 7
exactly, she would make me embarrassed. And I could imagine my mum being really overprotective if I had a girlfreind, thinking she was 'taking her little boy away'. Its so frustrating.
I used to do that when i was younger (16/17) and i kept everything a secret from my parents. My mother was always overprotective. But actually, as soon as i started telling her things she was less protective, i guess it was because she knew what i was doing. It's harder to trust someone if you know they are keeping things from you (even though EVERY teenager does it at some point in their lives!).
Reply 9
So I should be more open with parents?
Reply 10
I reckon it's entirely up to you. If you feel that this isn't how you want your relationship with your parents to be, and that you'd like to share more, then test the water by initiating a conversation about something you're doing with your friends or similar. However, if you really have no desire to tell them and they don't ask, then don't worry about it. I suppose it's a two way thing. The reason my parents know so much about my life is because they constantly ask questions, I suppose it's a part of them looking out for me. I think every family has a limit though, like we never discuss sexual relationships: they know if I've got a boyfriend, but that's it. Even when parents are protective there are things they don't want to know: perhaps your parents don't question you because they're scared of what they'll find out? Don't stress too much over it.
Reply 11
Hmm... I find it strange and in a way rather instrusive to have my parents see me hugging my bf or anything like that whereas my bf likes to show off his relationship to his parents.
He's be all huggy and stuff...
Reply 12
Just tell them. They will probably die before you. Then you will have full independance from them. At the moment, use what you have and be social with them and let them know what is heppening in your life.
Reply 13
Just tell them. They will probably die before you. Then you will have full independance from them.

how nice :toofunny:
People interract with their parents differently. Keeping your home life seperate to your social life is hardly somthing to worry about :smile:
Reply 15
I have the same, when my parents ask me the details of what I got up to or where I went after a night out just to make conversation I just don't like talking about it, and when it comes to girls I'm even worse, I just flat-out say "Mum/Dad, I'm not talking about this with you". Its not because I'm embarrassed either, I just don't like them knowing.
I don't tell my parents anything. And they don't ask.
you're not alone there.. i never tell my parents anything.. it just makes me feel wierd like they'd know too much about me.. i just try to kep them out of my social life..
I think I'm probly the same- i get embarrased sumtimes wen my parents try to poke their nose in. But i dnt like to keep everythin from them cos otherwise they wnt b ur shoulder to cry on if/wen it al goes wrong.
i think its really hard, because you want more independance, but your scared that your parents might just take it all away. i didn't used to tell my parents anything, but now i am opening up a little bit more and getting more freedom because of it. i think they just like to know that im safe :smile: