Dont think its irrational at all.
I love being alone int he day lets me work and do what i feel like. And its very peaceful while i study.
But the couple of times ive been presented with the stay at home alone over night for a weekend i dont like it.
I feel safe enough with such a neighbourhood as mine, and my dog who would do nething for me lol
Its just an instinct i shouldnt be alone, so end up inviting mates over or go to a mates. Even after i lock the doors and stuff i get up after my reading time and check again incase, so im safe there. And theres the big implication of if i have an accident, nobody to help raelly. With normally 5 of us and a dog in the house it seems ominous with only me and a dog here. But im sure sum ppl will love the time alone and sleep happy?