Hey, lately ive been lacking self-confidence and feel down and a lack of sociability.
Having never been a great social person i feel bad now when it is weeks without going out, AS exam study leave, i didnt go out except for exams the first week, half term i went out once for 2 hours with friends, and this week i wont be out.
Its not im studying all the time (although i have done a fair amount) its just i feel inadequate to socialise. The main friendship group im in is 2 guys my best mates, and 3 females, there are others but there the core in my eyes. I like to talk to all of them, but i just cant.
As i said 2 hours we were out some girls n couple guys id met only once, i was quiet talking when talked to and sometimes so quiet nobody could hear. But im not always aware i do it, like my friend said i always sit further away than anyone else, habit not purpose.
When me and one person im fine i hate awkward silence and i go for it, as soon as one more person i just listen im normally happy listening to others but it gives off an anti-social image. I dont want this.
Ive never been particularly close with any friend which doesnt help, and things tend to get bottled up.
also i wish i could approach new people, who i may not necessarily have any communcation with at all or totally new people who i see around me. But if i cant talk to my own friends group how do i talk to new people?
The reason im posting this now is theres an end of exam party coming up soon and well im terrified, although i ease a bit with alcohol im still uncomfortable and often seen at the edge even away from my friends group.
so ways to make it easier to talk to them and other new people would be appreciated.
PS 17 male and at 6th form college.