The Student Room Group

Feeling restricted

I'm taking a gap year in between college and uni.
I was really exited about it and have loads of ideas but I feel really restricted because of my boyfriend. He's grugingly accepting the fact that im going to spain for 5 months for a work placement because i've been talking about it for years and he knows I really want to do it but I've been looking at conservation schemes which last 1/2 months and I'm wondering whether I want to do that as well, but I know if i mention it to my boyfriend he'll be really upset. Please help, I love him but i dont want to look back on my year and regret not doing more. I feel I'll really resent him for it but at the same time I agree that It's abit naive to believe a relationship could last if we're apart for such a long time.
Reply 1
If its meant to last it will last surely, and if he does care for you surely he would understand your want to do this.
If its what you want and makes u happy and u feel its the right thing to do, explain to him how u feel, and he should if not be happy at least not discourage it.
If the relationship is going to last a long time you definitely wont want resentment occuring later when your friends and others have had a GAP year do you?
I, personally, could not stand to be apart from my fiancé for that length of time - you need to decide what's more important to you. When you've done that - let the other go. It would be unfair to leave your bf missing you so badly for so long. Does he not want to go with you maybe?
Reply 3
i think you should do all the things you want to do in your gap year. If you are leaving college to go to uni you must still be quite young, 18 ish? IMO that's your age to be exploring and doing whatever you like. Don't tie yourself down to someone unless you know you're going to be marrying them or something. If he is very serious about you he will be patient and wait till you finish doing the things you want to do and fulfulling your dreams.