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Reply 1
When things don't feel right. If/when the time comes you will know, whether it's something you can explain or not, even to yourself.
when the cons outweigh the pros.
I made one such list when I was arguing with my ex.
Reply 3
when they no longer appear to light up a room when they enter it, when their eyes no longer appear to sparkle, when seeing them for the first time in ages no longer feels like a big deal, when you're no longer bubbly and happy around them most of the time, when you no longer truly laugh at their jokes... when you dont feel the same around them, when you feel less like yourself around them than you ever have felt previously
The fat lady sings.
Reply 5
learnt it last night. when the world cup is more appealing.......
Reply 7
I wish I was as eloquent as uz_master :wink:

Also, rofl at Fluent in Lies XD
Reply 8
:biggrin: someone thinks im eloquent! :biggrin: Yay! lol
How do you know when its time to end things in a relationship?

When it doesn't feel right and you've tried everything to make it work...

If it's not meant to be you'll know...
How do you know when its time to end things in a relationship?

When you've tried everything to make it work and , it doesn't no matter what you try to do!! :smile:
A: When your wife leaves you, your dog dies, you lose your house and you're singing country music, naturally.
Reply 12
When you ask random people on the web.
How do you know when its time to end things in a relationship?

when you can't stick them anymore.

their voice grates, their touch grates, their look grates.

They make you shudder or cringe at the mere thought.

You sit thinking "I bloody hate her...." lol
Reply 14
when your significant other buys a gun... kind of a hint. or a shovel when you don't have a garden.
Reply 15
seriously, in my relationship, i can't realy tell, cause we've broken up, but there's still "stuff" lingering around, so is it really over??
Reply 16
I agree with what the others have mentioned - when you start to feel differently about the relationship; when the cons outweigh the pros; when it doesnt feel quite right anymore.
Theres always going to be 'stuff' lingering around shortly following a breakup that hasnt ended on bad terms, and even those that have. Sometimes though, you have to realise that its time to call it a day despite all the history you have together and despite all the good times youve had. The fact that youre even considering breaking up is a sign that somethings not quite right - maybe it could be something you can fix? But if not then its time to end it.
Reply 17
When what they say just is so damn annoying you want to slap them. And when they touch you you flinch.
Reply 18
When what they say just is so damn annoying you want to slap them. And when they touch you you flinch.

So i want to end my relationships with my parents? :confused: :p:
When what they say just is so damn annoying you want to slap them. And when they touch you you flinch.

Yeah... and being around them makes you feel claustrophobic.