The Student Room Group
hey, i don't know quotes for the short stories but for Boule de suif i know the following:
Le Comte says to Boule de Suif ''il ne faut jamais resister aux gens qui sont les plus forts''
Mme Carré - Lamadon is described as the ''consolation des officiers de bonne famille envoyé a Rouen''
Cornudet says that the group have committed an ''infamie'' (i.e. by making Boule de Suif sleep with the officer)
Boule de Suif, when asked if she's changed her mind (i.e agreed to sleep with the officer) she says ''je ne changerai jamais d'avis''

Quotes aren't the most important thing really, if you can some up things thats good enough! I hate Un Coup D'Etat! I won't be using that story in my answer at all :confused: Do you study Truffaut's films as well?
Reply 2
No, i just have to do these stories, they are quite good,but its really hard to revise for, i have absolutly no idea what im gonna do for the exam! i dont know if i have to answer in english or in french! oh im gonna fail for sure!:eek: :redface:
Reply 3
I'm doing BDS etc also. Good ole Maupassant.

This is going to be the hardest french paper of them all. Best way to revise IMO is to learn quotations because I think you get marks for knowledge of text, grammar and opinions.

So if grammar is good and you can give informed opinions; then the only real slog is giving detailed and considered analysis of the text and quotations back up your analysis.

Well that's the theory anyway. I know hardly anything so this week is going to entail a lot of learning. The advantage with BDS is that you can refer to any story(ies) it doesn;t matter whether you only refer to 2 or 3 or 6 or 7.

Anyone got any U4 papers from '05?
grammar is worth so little on this paper, just 5 out of 45 marks!! content is worth 30 and organisation of ideas is worth 10. I've seen essays, and knowing quotes is good but you can score highly on Content without them. As long as you have detailed knowledge on the events etc, and the rough words that someone said to another, you don't need to quote exactly.

There's a choice of two questions. One is usually JUST about Boule de suif, whereas the other usually concerns one of the short stories and then asks you to relate it to two or more others