The Student Room Group


ok i just burnt the top of my thumb on some steaming water whilst cooking dinner - it hurts like hell - but more worrying is that i have two 3hour exams at the end of the week - will it be healed by then do you think? i can't remember the last time i burnt myself - how long do blisters take to form and do they still hurt when blistered? oh well guess i won't be revising at all!!
Reply 1

I think they take a few days to settle down but you can always put a plaster over it on the day of your exam. Sure, it may hurt a bit, but hopefully you'll be so concentrated on the exam you won't notice it.

Just keep it in cold water for a while and see how things go over the next few days.
Rescue remedy and plastic skin. You'll have to take a trip to pharmacy but these 2 things as a combo should kill the pain and sort you out if it hasn't blistered yet.

Otherwise 2 neurofen, if it has (too late).

( I waitressed most of my school days, so know all about burns! )
Reply 3
Put butter on it. It stops the air getting to it and so it stops stinging as much and also thus reduces the tissue damage of the burn reducing size of blisters and speeding the healing time.
Reply 4
Put butter on it. It stops the air getting to it and so it stops stinging as much and also thus reduces the tissue damage of the burn reducing size of blisters and speeding the healing time.

No, it's not recommended to put butter on burns