The Student Room Group

Withdrawal bleeding

I've been on the Pill for a couple of years but only lost my virginity last month. I did get my withdrawal bleed last month but it was a day late, for some reason, other than that more or less as normal. I've been feeling a bit sick lately and just want to make sure that getting a withdrawal bleed confirms you're not pregnant, I know its not a real period but I think you wouldnt get it if you were pregnant right?
Reply 1
Some women DO experience bleeding during pregnancy. Take a test to reassure yourself completely.
Reply 2
I read you can have implantation bleeding but that it's rare, and usually 10-12 days after conception. This was at the time of my normal withdrawal bleed, and was a normal amount of blood so I think that's what it was, I was wondering if you would get the withdrawal bleed if pregnant? It doesn't seem like it because on the website of my Pill it says if you MISS the withdrawal bleed don't worry, because you probably aren't pregnant, which makes it seem like if you DO bleed confirms you AREN'T (hence the worry if you miss it), hope I'm making sense.
Reply 3
so does anyone know?
Reply 4
so does anyone know?

No one KNOWS, everyone's body behaves differently. You PROBABLY aren't pregnant, but the only way to know for sure is to test.
Were you just relying on the pill? did you use condoms? The only way to find out is to go take a test as has been said above. You're probably ok. good luck!
Reply 6
Yes used a condom as well as the Pill, and as I said got my withdrawal bleed. I am really paranoid, there are lots of reasons I could be feeling sick. I will see if I get the period again next week. I checked online and every site I could find to do with withdrawal bleeds said its extremely unlikely to get one while pregnant if not impossible cos its the uterus lining coming out.
after your withdrawal bleed you start the pill again so dont forget that your body is getting a massive boost of oestrogen again which could make u feel a bit queasy. i had it for a good few days to the extent i actually thought i was gonna throw up..and im not preganant so dont worry too much. if its really getting you down, do a test.
If you used a condom in addition to taking your pill, it is EXTREMELY unlikely that you are pregnant. When you say a day late, what exactly do you mean? I'm on the pill and often start my period on my pill-free week on different days (usually 2 or 3 days after I took the last pill in the packet but it does vary). I think you're just paranoid but as everyone else has said, the only way you will know FOR SURE is if you take a test.
Reply 9
I mean I was a day later than usual starting to bleed. As far as I can remember I've always started it on a Sunday but it's possible I've been a day late before and not worried about it, knowing I wasn't pregnant. Also I was really stressed at the time and apparently that can affect your period, even on the Pill.
Reply 10
I mean I started bleeding a day later than usual, as far as I can remember I start on Sundays but it's possible I have been a day late before and not worried about it, knowing I wasn't pregnant.
Reply 11
It could just be the pill finally reducing and shortening your periods. The last 6 months ive come on a day later, no way i can be pregnant either. I think it just takes months and months for the pill to change things and they gradually get shorter and lighter.

Im not sure exactly how long youve been on the pill for, but my change took place around the 18 month mark, my routine hasnt change nor has the day i start/stop taking the pill and i still finish the same day too.