Ok here goes. Me and my boyf have been together for over amonth now and we knew each other for at least a year before then. We liked each other on and off during this period, but finally got together a bit ago. Its not a secret at college that we are together, but we havent broadcast it because we arent the type to go declaring undying love for each other. But recently, during study leave I have seen him loads, going to the cinema and each others houses etc. Its great when we are together and we kiss and cuddle loads, like most couples. However, whenever we are with other people, espeically my friends, we act like we arent together. and he still does that thing that some boys do when they like you - you know acting all mean to get your attention? I find this odd because people keep giving me looks as if to say "why is your boyf so mean to you?" I just feel a bit odd about it all. because we are getting pretty intimate in the relationship when we are alone, then other times i feel like i cant even hold his hand. It makes me feel a bit used, and maybe like i am getting in too deep too quickly? PBut i know he wouldnt use me, cos he isnt like that at all. He is a very changeable boy and he is a very deep thinker, especially emotionally, so im a abit worried that maybe he is trying not to hurt me in some way but i dont know? Any advice welcome, thanks in advance!!