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I've failed the 1st year twice, could really do with some sound advice thanks.

I've repeated the first year of my course twice and have failed again. I tried hard to get my act together during the end of the last semester of my second year and managed to pass one module. I've received my overall results for the year and it says i have no retake entitlements left. I really do enjoy my course and don't want to give it up, I'm one who is easily distracted but despite this I've chosen to give up my summer to study hard for the august resits. Only problem is I need to appeal to take the resits in august's. Has anyone ever been in this situation, and do i stand a chance of an appeal please let me know your thoughts thanks.

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What course are you doing???
Reply 2
Beng (hons) mechanical engineering
Reply 3
You can try to appeal but you failed twice now and if it was your first year you failed, i would think you will struggle in your 2nd and 3rd year as its much harder than 1st.
Reply 4
Original post by Fife91
I've repeated the first year of my course twice and have failed again. I tried hard to get my act together during the end of the last semester of my second year and managed to pass one module. I've received my overall results for the year and it says i have no retake entitlements left. I really do enjoy my course and don't want to give it up, I'm one who is easily distracted but despite this I've chosen to give up my summer to study hard for the august resits. Only problem is I need to appeal to take the resits in august's. Has anyone ever been in this situation, and do i stand a chance of an appeal please let me know your thoughts thanks.

universities don't usually let you resit modules 3 times, especially If Its first year as the second and third years will be considerably harder.

I think your best, or only, option would be to contact someone like an advisor or the specific person that monitors your exams at the uni and try to explain your personal situation and find some way of demonstrating to them that you have Improved.

however I doubt they would let you resit them again without serious extenuating circumstances, I don't think they will just accept the fact that you failed because you are easily distracted.

I hope everything goes okay though :smile:
Reply 5
Original post by LadyJoka
universities don't usually let you resit modules 3 times, especially If Its first year as the second and third years will be considerably harder.

I think your best, or only, option would be to contact someone like an advisor or the specific person that monitors your exams at the uni and try to explain your personal situation and find some way of demonstrating to them that you have Improved.

however I doubt they would let you resit them again without serious extenuating circumstances, I don't think they will just accept the fact that you failed because you are easily distracted.

I hope everything goes okay though :smile:

I agree i would suggest doing another course however you will have to pay your last year of student finance yourself as you probably used it twice so would think about whether staying at uni as maybe its not for you as 1st year is all about getting to grips with the course.
you only passed 1 module?
how is that possible dont you do like 7 or 8 in your first year

I could understand failing 1 or 2 (or even 3 at a push) but failing all but 1 :s-smilie:

if you have already sat the first year twice then I assume you also failed your re-sit so you have actually failed the modules 3 time :eek:

even if you could, I think you would struggle with student finance

I was worried about failing 1 of my modules which im now feeling confident about passing thanks to have the greatest lecturer ever, I however may just fail another module due to being in hospital right up until 10 hours before the exam, I looked into transfer options to easier courses but I doubt that will be an option if you failed twice and failed all modules maybe see if a much lower ranked uni such as London met might take you otherwise you may of run out of chances

or you could do a foundation degree at college or HNC if a degree is not an option

good luck
(edited 11 years ago)
Reply 7
My argument is that if I can study successfully for all of my resits during the the summer period which is only three months, i must be able to stand a chance of completing the 2nd and third year. Currently at the minute i have already completed half of my modules for retakes successfully. Due to the background i have come from the transition to university has been one of the most challenging experiences for me and i feel after two years i can correct these mistakes in my attitude toward university and what i want to aspire for, I've literally at the minute put everything aside to complete my degree, i could do the easy option and give up now but i chose not too. My appeal is only to retake the resits and if i was to fail i would completely withdraw from uni if this doesn't show initiative to pass when appealing to the award board i don't know what will.
Reply 8
i've only failed the module's twice because i didn't do resits after the first attempt of my 1st year i just went straight into repeating the 1st of my degree, and at the moment the resits upcoming in august i haven't made any appeal yet.
Reply 9
I don't mean to be blunt, but if you've failed your first year twice and you did put in the work and the effort, then the course you're taking probably isn't for you. I did an Arts degree so this might not apply, but the quality and standard of work expected in the 2nd and 3rd years was considerably higher than the 1st, by several orders of magnitude. You'll need to ask yourself what you're getting wrong and whether you want to continue your degree for several more years when it's only likely to get harder and harder.

I'd speak openly and frankly with your lecturers and advisers: ask them where you've been going wrong, how you could improve and whether it's worth continuing on the course if you've already struggled this much with the first year. You could always see if you can change to a different degree programme, or they might be able to point you towards a different qualification that might be better suited for you.
Reply 10
Well thanks you all for the advice, i will let you know of my outcome to this whether i did get granted the retakes and therefore outcome of results, or rejected by the appeal and the descison of my future i made from there. Hopefully this information will help anyone in the future if there ever caught up in a situation similar to this.
Reply 11
Good luck mate, keep us up to date what happens.
I have some sympathy for this. I lived with someone that this happened to briefly last year. Her transition to uni was very difficult - she was living and home, and didn't speak English at home, her mother speaks no English at all, and her house was not set up for studying in: it was full of lodgers, including me who shared her room for two months, although I hardly think I was a hindrance under the circumstances as I hardly saw her, but she did not even have a desk. She has now passed most of them in retake, and is being given a second retake of the final subject, and plans to go back to university in the autumn. It's been a big wake-up call about what a university education means.

I think that you will be expected to show that your circumstances have changed substantially to allow you to better - whether that is because of personal reasons, motivation, a lack of a certain skill e.g. weak maths, or a language barrier. No university wants to fail people, especially not in a resit, so consider carefully whether you are academically able enough to continue at this point. Also consider what extra measures may help you to keep up if you are allowed to continue - are you able to afford to pay for private tutoring to help you, for example?
Reply 13
What was the outcome?
Reply 14
I am doing a 3 year course of architecture. I failed one module out of 7, with a mark of 31%. I was asked to repeat as a part time student to complete stage one and continue stage two in 2015/16. Also pay tuition on a pro rata basis.

My question is will student finance fund this extra year as a part time?
Would this mean I wouldn't get covered for the year 2 or 3 and be one short?

helloo so i passed 2 of my AS subjs but failed 1, can i still continue with A2??
Original post by hafizasamath
helloo so i passed 2 of my AS subjs but failed 1, can i still continue with A2??

This thread is a about university degrees. You might want to ask on a different forum, but in the meantime, contact your school directly and see what they say.
Original post by Fife91
I've repeated the first year of my course twice and have failed again. I tried hard to get my act together during the end of the last semester of my second year and managed to pass one module. I've received my overall results for the year and it says i have no retake entitlements left. I really do enjoy my course and don't want to give it up, I'm one who is easily distracted but despite this I've chosen to give up my summer to study hard for the august resits. Only problem is I need to appeal to take the resits in august's. Has anyone ever been in this situation, and do i stand a chance of an appeal please let me know your thoughts thanks.

1. First year is the easiest of your degree.
2. Noting point 1, you have no chances to pass your degree as I don't think your uni will let you resit every year twice
3. Sit down and think what is it that you find hard about your subject. Do you know you can improve? What do you need to do to improve? Why haven't you done it yet?

Very important: you only get (your degree length plus 1 year) of SFE, that means you only have 2 years left of funded studies to finish. Do you think you can pull it off without resitting any of the remaining years?
Am studying architecture and am doing my foundation degree i failed my math but passed other subjects can i still be accepted
HI i have similar question, i have failed the first year which also include the resits in August. Will UEL allow me to resit the first year? in order to do that will the contact me personally offering resit the first year or do i have to contact any particular person ?

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