The Student Room Group
if you're in your first year i would say you wouldn't need a car. Everything is on campus and a regular (if crap and new) bus service goes to town regularly. You can walk to town in about 30mins. A bike may be useful but I wouldn't say you needed a car
Reply 2
I think its on the prospectus as well, but anyway. You are not allowed to park on campus, unless you live in Eden Court or Halifax (correct me if I am wrong here)
Parking is a 'mare at uni, except on weekends.
Reply 4
You're not allowed to park on campus, even if you live in Edens Court/Halifax. Theres a permit for parking in halifax/edens court if you live there, but to get a permit to be able to use the staff parking spaces you need to live in a certain postcode ie. live far enough away.
Ask the landlord at the Charles. Someone I know got to park their car there all this year for not very much money.
Reply 6
Hey, thanks for all the information, I just wanted to bring it cos i live relatively near to York and i was planning on going home every now and again... For supplies... lol

Cheers x
Reply 7
even if you dont get a parking permit, you can still park your car on-campus the weekends and off-campus every other day. at least thats what a flatmate is doing.
Reply 8
Finally got time to reply! I have my car in York with me and I am a 3rd year. You will not get a parking permit for your entire time at uni unless you choose to live in South Bank, pretty much everywhere else is an excluded postcode. While on campus I cant really see much need for them. I agree with above, just leave it at home and if its an easy train ride and its near York then get the train back and keep your car in York from 5pm Friday to midnight Sunday for free.
Reply 9
Thanks for all the help guys!! Much appreciated x x x