The Student Room Group
In all honesty, kissing is fine - it's fun and a good way to get to know if you have a sprk with someone, or even as a bit of flirty feelgood fun. It's harmless if both parties feel the same. You didn't have sex with them and you seem to have good moral standards.

Tell this friend she has made you feel cheap, you were having fun and her comments are hurtful. If she doesn't respond positively don't go out with her or tell her about your nights out, keep her at a distance - be polite but find a better friend xxx
yeah, i agree,
what does it matter if you kissed 3 guys etc, it's none of her business.
if she continues to be mean to you, and you have asked her to stop (maybe she doesn't realsie ti's upsetting you), just avoid her and keep out of her way. obviosuly she's not a real friend!
Reply 3
Maybe she's taking it too far, but I don't think it's a case of her being a "real friend" or not. Come on, everyone pokes fun at eachother sometimes. Just tell her to stop taking the piss if you don't like it, and that should be problem sorted :smile: