The Student Room Group

Muscles in hand and wrist.

I am in the middle of revision and have been writing out revision notes and doing practice essays and stuff. But today when I write, the part of my hand just below my thumb is really painful and feels like it's seizing up when I write. This isn't serious is it? :confused: Also, do you reckon it's best to just rest it for a bit or what?
Reply 1
Yeah, just let it rest a bit. Do some reading for a while. If you work your hands too hard then you can develop RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) which can stick with you for quite a while.

Also, when writing try to relax your hand a little. I find when attempting to write fast I squeeze the pen and arch my hand far more than I need to, which often leads to pain if im writing for a long period of time. Adopt a more relaxed position and you should be able to write more comfortably for longer periods of time. :smile:
try soaking it in hot water for a bit. might help relax the muscles.
I doubt its a serious problem. My hand hurts in a similar way to you've described whenever I spend a lot of time writing constantly, especially when I'm writing things like timed essays. Just try and relax your grip on the pen (easier said than done when you're furiously trying to finish off an essay in the last 10 minutes, I know) and make sure you pause every now and then to exercise the joints in your hand a bit.
Reply 4
Sounds like ******s Cramp.
Reply 5
I could feel the tendons in my forearm "twitching" and all sorts after I finished my Psychology exams... :frown:

It went away after a while though, just needs a rest. :wink:

I frequently get spasms and pain in my hand when I play guitar, but again, after a short break I feel as good as new again.
Reply 6
Cut down on the masturbation :P
Reply 7
Hey, i get that aswell- it soo anoying isnt it. I had an exam 2day and almost had 2 give up 2wards the end cos my habd was hurting so much. altho wit me its more the finger where my pen rests. i think i grip my pen 2 hard- mayb u do 2?
Reply 8
Reckon this guy suffers from forearm pains after an exam?

Me neither.