The Student Room Group

Not knowing what to say

I posted this in chat but am really stuuck and it's kind of related to relationships so I'm going to expand things a little and would really appreciate some advice.

I left school five years ago and one of the teachers who taught me and helped me a lot during my GCSEs and A-levels has just retired. The reason for the unusual timing of her retirement is because she is terminally ill and hasn't got long left. I want to send her a card to say goodbye and let her know what I'm up to and that I'm thinking of her, but I really don't know how to phrase it. The most obvious thing seems to be to send her a retirement card, but that would be filled with things like good luck etc which really isn't appropriate. The reason why I want to send her the card is because she taught me A-level and messed up the teaching of one of the modules. Because of this I just missed the grade I needed and couldn't go to my first choice uni. Although I loved my uni and wouldn't change anything about my degree and she played a big part in me going there, I've remained bitter and would like to make amends for my resentment back when I'd just finished my exams. Thanks for any advice or suggestions of what to say.

PS she doesn't know that's how I felt about her but I still feel guilty
i think you should have a card..but have a little letter in in..just tell her who you are, update her with where you ended up, what you did at uni, wish her the best and say your thinking of her..
Get a card with a picture of something beautiful on it. Doesnt necessarily have to mean anything, just one of those photo ones. And then write down pretty much what youve written here.
Reply 3
I personally would steer away from the "Thinking of you" type message (but that's purely personal preference). If I was in the same situation that I would write a little note inside the card just saying what I had been up to at uni, then maybe a little mention about her lessons (throw in a quick memory, or just say you miss them, or something like that). Then end it with a simple thank you for helping you to get where you are.

So if it were me i'd make it sound something along the lines of "You helped me to get to where I am now". That sort of thing. :smile:
Reply 4
just say something personal, whatever u feel like. or go see her. dont feel guilty, im sure she would really like that. also read a book called "tuesdays with morrie" by mitch albom, it will help u a lot. x