I'm getting a bit put off by my instructor as in recent lessons he has started to become really inappropriate in convo.
One example the other week he got onto the topic of rape, which I knew was coming up the minute he mentioned a student had confided him in.
He told me that there is a differance between rape and someone being taken advantage of and when I told him if they say no it means no he told me in reply but when they say "no they don't always mean that though dothey?"
Apparantly the girl went away and accepted it might of been her fault that she led this guy on.
Quite bluntly I'm horrifed by this comment and it really put me off my driving for the rest of the lesson, I'm starting to become very uncomfortable with his convosations and I try my best to divert them and change the subject because when he is focused on the driving he is fine.
How would others approach this sort of behavior? I'm starting to get a bit concerned...