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Well done on taking it. I know the first time I took mine I was quite scared and had to get my friend to sit with me for an hour afterwards. What anti-depressant is it? I have been taking cipralex and although I felt sick for about a week at the start I think it is helping a little bit. Tomorrow I am increasing the dose so I am expecting to be sick again! A lot of people don't like to take anti-depressants but I think they do work for some people and so it is probably worth giving them a go. It takes a while though so you have to stick it out for 4-6weeks before you notice anything. I think I felt a bit like you, I had been depressed for ages before I finally agreed to take anti-depressants, they really were a last resort but I wish I had done it earlier. Dont think of it as losing the battle but rather taking control. I used to feel helpless but at least now I know I am taking some steps towards getting better. Hope you are feeling better soon
H x
Reply 2
Thanks:smile: thats encouraging, the one im on is Lexapro, i think its from the same family as yours, SSIRs...
Don't worry too much, there is not much chance of side effects, especially with Lexapro. I took it a couple of years ago for anxiety and it worked really well, I don't even need it now! I was very hesitant about taking it as well, but I'm glad I did, it worked out for the best in the end :smile:
Thanks:smile: thats encouraging, the one im on is Lexapro, i think its from the same family as yours, SSIRs...

Lexapro and Cipralex are the same antidepressant (escitalopram).

I had hideous side effects with one antidepressant (an SNRI: duloxetine), but the effects wore off after a week. The one I'm on at the moment is great; it's a tricyclic, and I've really felt its effects.
Reply 5
I am taking Prozac (fluoxetine) and I am really happy it was prescribed. In the first three days I had headaches and was getting dizzy but afterwards it was no problem at all. It helps me returning back to normal even though I sometimes tend to feel depressed again but not as bad as it has been and it disappears again after a few hours. Maybe it's just a question of the dosis.
I can just say I am really glad I was put on antidepressants.
Reply 6
Its SSRI :wink:. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. You also get SSNR, selective noradrenline reuptake inhibitor. Its really good to understand what these drugs do and the symptoms that can occur. I found out alot about SSRI's when i was in a 2 week work experience with a consultant psychiatrist.

They do work, but give them time the effects dont appear instantly
My girlfriend is planning to (finally) try taking antidepressants that her doctor prescribed a long time ago. She says that seven days is enough and then she wants to go off the pills. Is that possible with some anti-depressants? Actually they aren't really anti-depressants, Im not sure. They are some anti-anxiety pills. Im not sure if seven pills is enough to solve a long-term thing...Thanks.
I've had a form of depression that's lasted about 3 years and culminated (along with stress) in my feeling very unwell. I took a mild dose of some antidepressants for a few weeks which have allowed me to get back in control of my life and stop being so introverted, depressed, angry and at times very selfish. Basically they gave me some time to find myself again without all the pent up emotion. Seriously though, get a very competent doctor if you consider it and make sure you're on the mildest dose possible for as little time as possible, and be very aware of any potential side effects
I was diagnosed with depression in december and although I was given cipralex antidepressents, I put off taking them until the last minute. When I took them it took a few weeks before the effects showed, I did feel better but it tended to just stop me feeling anything, depression or happiness. Also I slept a lot more than before and lost all my sex drive, which was annoying, eventully i decided to get better alone and came off them
Reply 10
My girlfriend is planning to (finally) try taking antidepressants that her doctor prescribed a long time ago. She says that seven days is enough and then she wants to go off the pills. Is that possible with some anti-depressants? Actually they aren't really anti-depressants, Im not sure. They are some anti-anxiety pills. Im not sure if seven pills is enough to solve a long-term thing...Thanks.

Only a handful of antidepressants have any proven anxiolytic capacity, e. g., imipramine, escitalopram, paroxetine, venlafaxine, &c. But none of these, to the best of my knowledge, affects anxiety significantly before the second or third week of treatment at the very earliest, nor does the other common drug, buspirone. The only treatments that are immediately efficacious are benzodiazepines, such as diazepam (Valium), but their effects stop as soon as they are discontinued, and they aren't given out too freely or for long periods of time because they are highly addictive. To be honest, I doubt, without knowing all of the details, that the antidepressants which your girlfriend is going to take (and if that is what she has been given) will be effective in such a short space of time. That being said, I wouldn't necessarily tell her this, as she may derive some benefit from the placebo effect if she thinks that they are going to work.
well done for taking it =) the side effects usually wear off after a wk or so, but usually it takes about 8 wks for it to get into your system and take effect. taking them doesn't mean you're weak or abnormal, you're just strong enough to ask for help in my opinion =) althought i think drug therapy is only a short term solution and treats symptoms instead of problems, so i would say see a psychologist if it's appropriate. althought some ppl do *recover* with medication and time. good luck!xXx
well done for taking it =) the side effects usually wear off after a wk or so, but usually it takes about 8 wks for it to get into your system and take effect. taking them doesn't mean you're weak or abnormal, you're just strong enough to ask for help in my opinion =) althought i think drug therapy is only a short term solution and treats symptoms instead of problems, so i would say see a psychologist if it's appropriate. althought some ppl do *recover* with medication and time. good luck!xXx
Reply 13
thanks everyone

also, for those of you that found it affected your sex drive, did it come back after you stopped the meds? its not a long term thing is it?
thanks everyone

also, for those of you that found it affected your sex drive, did it come back after you stopped the meds? its not a long term thing is it?

In my case, I discontinued my antidepressant partly because of the loss of libido and other side effects, and changed to another antidepressant that so far has had no side effects. The condition is almost certainly temporary. Some antidepressants have even been known to increase sex drive.
thanks everyone

also, for those of you that found it affected your sex drive, did it come back after you stopped the meds? its not a long term thing is it?

It really made my sex drive nonexistant!
But yeah a few weeks after I stopped taking them it came back slowly :smile:
Thanks:smile: thats encouraging, the one im on is Lexapro, i think its from the same family as yours, SSIRs...

Lexapro is pretty good.
I have used it before.
Works well.
Had no problems with it. ( Felt a bit strange for a couple of days when I started, but that wore off rapidly )

Takes around a week to work.
yea it affected it, mine was non-existant, i had the same experience as another poster as in it came back slowly =) so i don't think it's permanent, im assuming from your writing that u r female and i think, from the ppl i've talked to, it's worse for guys more often. also, i think depression may be worse for sex drive than anti-depressants, that was my experience...
Well my libido was pretty non-existent when i was depressed, now i'm on fluoxetine (prozac) and my libido is back up to normal. Side affects wise, i actually had headaches for quite awhile afterwards, around 3 weeks. They weren't really bad, but constantly there.
good luck, your gonna feel weird for a couple of weeks!

did anyone else have that weird feeling when they yawned? i couldnt yawn satisfactorally for ages.