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I'm getting the pill today

Well, as long as the doctor gives it to me.
I'm basically going for it as contraception, and also because I want to make my periods lighter. Do I tell her this at the appointment, in case it affects what she gives me?

Also, I've been reading up on this "withdrawl bleed" thing. My period's due at the end of the month, but I'm off to see my boyfriend that week. So, if she gave me the pill, could I wait and take it on the 12th, meaning my placebo pill/off pill week would start on the 3rd instead, and I'd have my period THAT week? Or does it not work like that?

Also, will she give me my prescription there and then, or will I have to come back and get it?

Sorry for all the questions. I'm hideously healthy and haven't been to the doctors since I was 10, so any advice is welcomed :smile:
When you get the pill you have to start it on the first day of your period, if you do that you are protected from pregnancy straight away. If you start it at any other time you have to use addedd precautions for the first 7 days to protect from pregnancy ie pill and condoms.

After that you can just use the pill and as long as you take it properly it is 99% effective from pregnancy but of course not from sexually transmitted infections so that is why doctors recommend using condoms as well.

It won't matter what pill you go on for lightening your periods they all do that. Most doctors start people on microgynon, if after 3 months you are still getting the temporary side effects ie bloatedness, moodiness,etc ask to swap pills as there are lots of others. Basiscally they all have the 2 hormones in them progesterone and oestrogen but at different levels so you just have to try different pills until you get one that suits.
Hope this helps
It's easier to say that you want it for contraception reasons as well as you won't have to pay for it either. :smile:

& you won't be protected as I'm guessing your already almost half way through your cycle. You can either start taking it now but you won't be protected, or start it next month & be protected straight away.
Reply 3
I'd rather start it this month, because of delaying it that week. Equally, I'm not too concerned about being protected for the first week, because I won't be with my boyfriend then.

Is it just a chat with the doctor about it, or is she likely to want to do an exam?

Thanks, you've been really helpful :smile:
She/he will just ask you a few questions about your family medical history because for example, if there has been breast cancer in the family, she may be reluctant to give it you.

The you'll be weighed & have your blood pressure taken & the doctor will then tell you when to take the pills.
Reply 5
just go to a family planning clinic, they don't ask many questions, just take your blood pressure
Reply 6
Anon1, you're making this a lot more complicated than it needs to be. She will give you the prescription when you are there. You take the paper to a pharmacist, and they will give you the pills. It is free.

The doctor MAY ask you questions about history of blood clots/cancer in your family. She may also take your blood pressure.

k? :smile:
Reply 7
just go to a family planning clinic, they don't ask many questions, just take your blood pressure

That can be a problem, however, since if they don't ask you about things like migranes, you can be given an inappropriate prescription. The only people I know who were wrongly put on the pill were given it by family planning clinics who didn't bother to ask enough questions about their health. Much better to be asked a series of slightly dull questions than potentially increase the health risks you face.

Edit: realised you probably meant questions about why you want the pill, not health stuff. Anyway, to the OP, the point still stands.