The Student Room Group

Allergic Reaction


Just like nearly every other female in Britain, i jumped on the bandwagon and purchased some of that "Johnsons Holiday Skin" body lotion. I have applied it twice, and i have now come up in a really ugly rash all over my body! Red, raised lumps, itchy beyond belief and there is so much heat coming from my skin! Its actually driving me around the bend, i can't stop itching! Apart from discontinuing use (which i already have done), does anyone have any suggestions to sort out this allergic reaction?

Reply 1
You could try taking some allergy tablets (ie the hayfever kind)
Reply 2
I have some piriton downstairs... i guess its worth a try! I would do anything to make this itching stop!
Reply 3
try some aloe vera gel from Holland & Barrett it will calm it down and stop it itching
Reply 4
Calamine liquid has a nice cooling effect on rashes and stops them itching.
if thats even how you spell it......
Yeah anti-histamines (such as piriton) and anything that'll cool your skin down such as aftersun or calamine as someone has already said.