The Student Room Group

Effective Hayfever Treatment

Right, it's that time of year again, and I find myself with hayfever for the the 2nd time in 3 years while i hadn't had it since i was 12-13..*bummer*. I'm sitting my exams and i don't want that to have a hindrance on my performance as it did in my GCSE's, as these exams are of uber importance.

So, can anyone suggest anything that actually works? It's gotten to it's worst today i think. In addition, i need something that's fast acting as i have 4 of the most important exams of the lot on Tuesday and i need the hayfever not to be an issue.

Thanks in advance!

Reply 1
One of the fastest acting hayfever medications is benadry, the one which you take more than once a day. It works within the first 15 mins that you take it. The once a day ones take more than a week to build up effectiveness in your system so the benadrl would probably be the best.
Reply 2
Go to the doctors and get sterioded up. If its really chronic its the only thing that works.. I have oral steriods. steriod nose sprays and steriod eye things. They're all ace!
Reply 3
Thanks for the replies and advice guys. +REP for you both. :smile:.

Reply 4
I'v found that opticrom eye drops work really well (within about 10 minutes, eyes stop itching) and i'd second the benedryl tablets for general use. Any of the nose sprays are effective but I find them uncomfortable afterwards and make me sneeze more for a while so they're not necessarily an instant relief, but do work after a bit :smile:
Reply 5
I went to my doctor and was prescribed an antihistamine (Fexofenadine) and I just have to take 1 tablet a day to make hayfever symptoms disappear completely...if I miss one for one day I get pretty bad hayfever so they must work!
If over the counter meds aren't working then go see your dr for something stronger.
If in doubt go speak to a pharmacist - tis what they're there for :smile:
Reply 7
Also when its not hayfever season taking Zinc is apparently very effective.
Though I've never tried it.
I use a nasal spray and antihistamine.
Reply 8
May I suggest you avoid oral hayfever relief during exam time. I believe they all have known side effects, noteably Drowsiness, tiredness, grumpiness etc..these can be pretty detramental to your state of mind during an exam. Ive got a nasal spray and opticrom eyedrops - work wonders without fiddling with anything neurological :tongue:
Reply 9
benadryl has no effect on me whatsoever, sometimes makes me drowsy but no relief.

I thought i was lucky this year not suffering hayfever whilst i had exams, but disaster 20minutes before my exam today! i got hit :frown:.

Seriously piriton helps if u give it time, another thing i find useful is clearing my synisis (sp?) by holding my head over steaming water which contains mint menthol stuff which produces a strong aroma , if u have a towel over ur head its even more effective and if done once a day leaves me pretty much sorted for the next day or night depending when i do it
Tim Kabel
May I suggest you avoid oral hayfever relief during exam time. I believe they all have known side effects, noteably Drowsiness, tiredness, grumpiness etc..these can be pretty detramental to your state of mind during an exam. Ive got a nasal spray and opticrom eyedrops - work wonders without fiddling with anything neurological :tongue:

Yeah first generation antihistamines will cause drowsiness but the later ones are non-drowsy. I take loratadine with no probs :smile:

This is why it's good to go see your pharmacist cause they'll WWHAM you good and proper and sort you out with the best stuff you can buy over the counter or refer you to the doctors if need be.
Reply 11
Also when its not hayfever season taking Zinc is apparently very effective.

I've tried that and it works ok, but leads to drowsiness.

Tim Kabel
May I suggest you avoid oral hayfever relief during exam time. I believe they all have known side effects, noteably Drowsiness, tiredness, grumpiness etc..these can be pretty detramental to your state of mind during an exam.

Yeh, drowsiness was particularly and issue in my GCSE's. I fell asleep in two of my exams, failing one of them in the process.
