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Well apparantly you develop a "gaydar".. you can kinda sense when someone else is gay hehe! But other than I guess you'll just have to wait and see how he acts around you.. pick up on the hints. Sorry I can't be more helpful, but there's no definitive way to know!

Hope things get sorted :biggrin:
Reply 2
If I asked him if he was gay and he says yes that would be a dead giveaway. Or you could tell him that you are gay and see how he takes it. If he seems very interested in this new fact he is probably gay and likes you...
Reply 3
Ask them?

Try it on a bit see what happens?

Ask on of his close friends?

Ask his mum?

Text him and ask?
Reply 4
gaydar huh? well its either i have one or its just a wishful thinking of me him being gay. He's probably straight coz he's a proper rugger bugger. I started liking him for a few days and i kinda noticed that he's acting strange i.e. talking to me and approaching me when I'm busy and start a little chit chat. Would normal staright people do that i.e. approach someone you're not really close to and start little chit chats? It's weird and If we wants to be mate i'm up for it and he's really cool and it would be great to have him as a friend.
Reply 5
Few words of advice :smile:

ok. im a closested homosexual! woo!

Just be careful, if he isn't gay, you don't want to become an uncloseted one before you choose to be!

i don't know if he wants to be friends or what r if he's gay or something. the question is, how would you know if a guy is gay besides from posting threads like this?

Truth is there is no easy answer to this. All I can say is trust your instincts, but keep an element of caution, it is perfectly possible he isn't, just as much as he is. Make friends with him... get to know him a bit better, you never know who things will turn out. Just be careful, don't get yourself hurt!

Hope this is some help!
Reply 6
Well apparantly you develop a "gaydar"

Trust me, it's crap

:biggrin: :wink:
Trust me, it's crap

:biggrin: :wink:

I actually think it's kinda true to some extent. I'm not actually gay, but come from a v gay family hehe (my dad and bro are both gay!) so they always joke that I've "inherited" the gaydar. Strangely, I can actually tell when guys are gay sometimes (and I'm not talking about screaming queens wearing tank tops :p: ) and my Dad certainly can.
Reply 8
i can tel it in the eyes...there eys are different than sraight people's eyes....its like they have gay eyes or something.
Reply 9
If I asked him if he was gay and he says yes that would be a dead giveaway. Or you could tell him that you are gay and see how he takes it. If he seems very interested in this new fact he is probably gay and likes you...

Or alternatively could be a homophobic of catastrophic proportions, and turn violent...
Reply 10
Thread title would be the perfect way to pose the awkward question, "Do you like Deal or No Deal?" more artistically...
Reply 11
i can tel it in the eyes...there eys are different than sraight people's eyes....its like they have gay eyes or something.

Yeah it's probably due to their genes....
Reply 12
yeah he can turn violent and everything. If he isn't gay then why is he doing all the stuff to me. maybe im just being paranoid but you don't suddenly talk to a guy you thought was weird for a whole year and a half. Plus he said something about me ebing gay when we were in class. funny convo actually.
It is indeed in the eyes.. too close together. And don't forget the tight tops, high pitched voices and love of Cher.
:nn: to Homosexuality. Smh.
Reply 15
take him to a gaybar, wait for his reaction. (or erection, whichever, it will surely tell)
Reply 16
well the high pitch and crap is difficult, he's a proper sporty guy. athlete and stuff.
well the high pitch and crap is difficult, he's a proper sporty guy. athlete and stuff.

I was being sarcastic about that!
Reply 18
take him to a gaybar, wait for his reaction. (or erection, whichever, it will surely tell)

*snorts out tea* :biggrin:
No-one's suggested my particular favourite yet, which is to casually drop into the conversation a query about his love life - if he blushes and looks really nervous you know he's either gay or dating his own mum :p:
Reply 19
ahh ok! oh well i decided not to bother. He's straight and I'm going straight. being gay is such a hassle! straight people love is more direct and easier than gay love.