The Student Room Group

The aftermath of cheating-what do you think?

This is more of a discussion than a rant.

Say someone cheated on the partner, then obviously the partner would be really upset, angry etc and may end up breaking up with the cheater. Well the partner decided to stay with the cheater coz the partner had 'forgiven' the cheater. The partner and cheater promised to do everything they can to make things right. But whenever the cheater does something petty to annoy or upset the partner, the partner always threatens a break up using the cheating incident as the major blame. If the cheater went out with mates and didn't text the partner during the night to let the partner know where he/she is doing, then the partner would also use the same break up trick with the cheating thing. Basically...ANYTHING that gets up the partner's wrong side, then the partner threatens break up with the cheating incident even though the partner insisted that they should put the incident behind them and forget about it. If the cheeater goes out with mates but the partner doesn't want him to, then threats and argumetns fly again! but the cheater, still feeling extremely guilty about cheating on the partner, obeys the partner's every command.
Also, the cheater has no privacy. After being found out about the incident, the partner demands to read every single MSN convo,email and anything else that passes through to the cheater. Plus the partner tells people to look out for what the cheater gets up to whenever the cheater is out and the partner isn't.

What I'm trying to get at here is, yes the cheater did do something really terrible but does this mean it is 'alright' for the cheater to be stripped of all privacy, freedom and rights?Having to live through a relationship based on blames and threats? I know that after someone cheated on you, you would naturally become more possessive but is this over the top?maybe i'm just naive:confused:

Now, i don't know if this is true for everyone but my mate is in the cheater's position and we actually feel more sorry for him than the cheated...a bit weird eh?