The Student Room Group

back trouble!

ok hi ppl,, well i generally have lower back pain every now and then but the other week, i was pretty drunk, playfighting and feel in the hall, wacking my back kinda like in the middle but more to the top if u know where i mean, then wacking my head (this was all against a wall) falling to the floor and then wacking my back and head once again,lol, but anyway, when i lie entierly flat its quite painful and when i take a deep breath, sneeze or sniff or something its more painful...its not excrutiating pain just like a really dull ache and feels like my beack needs craking but it wont..any other time its fine! there is no bruising or nothing..any1 any idea what this is?
Reply 1
Go to a doctor! They can give you strong painkillers if necessary, or you might need physiotherapy or something which they can advise about