The Student Room Group

Nightmare about very close mate

I have a mate whom I met in Uni, who I am very close to. By very close I mean that he is in essence by big bruv, and I trust him and love him like my own flesh and blood brother.

Around a week ago, I had a horrid and very vivid dream that involved him getting hurt and dying. I passed it off, and thought I was OK, but several mates said that I looked "shaken up" for a day or two afterwards.

But I got this dream again, and it was just as vivid as before. This may sound rediculous, but it is like being there as my mate dies.

What do I do? Should I talk to him about it? I don't want to scare him, but could these dreams be building on some repressed fear? Most importantly, has anyone had this problem, and how did they deal with it?
Reply 1
well if he is like a big bruv then just tell him!
Reply 2
If you want to know what it may mean in a psychological sense, this link leads to a freudian analysis of such dreams.... If you belive in that sort of stuff... Its about a quarter of the way doen the page after "dreams about nakedness".... Hope this helps you understand.
Reply 3
It seems to be a sign of insecurity. Are you superstitious?
Reply 4
I get this dream all the time about my gran. I always see my dad (who is dead) and he is crying and I ask him why and he says it is my gran and she is dead.

I get it a lot. I always feel bad and shaken afterwards. I think it is because I feel guilty I don't call her enough.

So using my basic backyard psychology, I imagine your subconcious is telling you how much you love this person and how much they mean to you, but showing you hypothetically how you'd feel if you lost them.
Reply 5
I want to tell him, but I don't want to scare him.

He is wants to join the Armed forces, and the dream involves him getting hurt and dying in Iraq.

Maybe this is just my subconcious fear, but I don't know how to tell him. He really wants to join, and I don't want to ruin his dream. What do I do.

I am not superstitious, and I don't think my dream will come true, but it is still very disturbing and damaging nonetheless.
Are you psychic? Could it be a premonition? Personally if you aren't psychic (highly doughtful as I do not believe we have/will ever evolve to that stage) then I would just view it as your mind trying to sort things out of something.

I had a dream about pushing a boulder once and am still trying to figure out what it means. It could be just that. It could have some sort of hidden meaning. Represent a hidden fear (mabye you hadn't realised how much you cared for this man and this dream arose because of you or your brain figuring this out).

Invest in a dream catcher. I don't think there is any magic to them but I stopped having nightmares soon after I got one. I think it was psychological. I wanted it to work so it did work in the sense that I stopped having dreams. No magic just suggestive reasoning.