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Bf attacked me! I don't know what to do

I don't know guys, I'm so messed up.. So sorry cause this is a long rant, and I guess I've had a bit too much wine..
We were having an argument over something very insignificant, and i didn't like the way he was making me feel guilty and all so I basicly told him to get out of my house. Well then he attacked me, taking a tight grip from my neck and hitting me to the bed. Obviously I wasn't hurt, but it could have been the table or something than the soft bed. I was in such a shock that I was just crying my eyes out, and eventually he conforted me, after I begged him to. He wouldn't say he was sorry. Then, he literally threathened me and my family, but since I love him I told him that, and he stayed over and said he was sorry.
I just don't know how to deal with this all, because I've always been of the opinion that if somebidy hurts you they're not worth it, but I just can't give up on him. The thing is that he has an anger problem, and I'm really trying to be there for him, but in the end I don't know if he loves me the way I love him. Surely he wouldn't do that if he did. I can't talk about this to anyone, because in essence my friends and people think that my life is perfect so they would'nt understand. It's just that I love him and find it hard to believe that he was capable to such a thing..
Any advice? Is my gut feeling right that I shouldn't be treated like this and should I just get rid of him..? Thanks for any advice, I'm lost at the moment

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Reply 1
Get rid of him, he is obv a loser.
Reply 2
If he has a problem it's not necessarily his fault, if that makes sense?

Talk to him about it though, that'll be the best way to solve the problem. We can't help much :frown:.

If he carries on after you've talked to him though, get rid. That's my advice. Best of luck.
Reply 3
he doesnt deserve you
leave him hunni, you deserve wayyy better!!

if he doesnt leave you alone go to the police

if you dont and this escalates at least take pictures if he left bruises on you anywhere...take pictures of them with a camera that also stores the date on which they were taken, then save them and keep a printed copy in a safe place...then when you cant take it anymore you can take the pictures to the police and ask for a restraining order
Reply 4
hold takes 7 hours for me to get from chicago to London...we can gut his ass! i hate bastards. I feel like acting like Jennifer Lopez in Enough. You need to first off...get away from him, go some place safe and call the cops on his ass.
Reply 5
please get out! he wont change unless he has a lot of therapy to address whatever screwed up mentality he has towards women, and id bet hes not evenready to admit he has problems yet

Your worth more than this. The longer he hits you, and you dont do anything, the more your self esteem will drain away. And the longer he gets away with not facing reality-that he cant hit people

good luck xx
Reply 6
Damn, you want to get out of that before he does you some physical damage, and really hurts you. That might sound easier said then done, but surely you can't stay with someone who will lose their temper and possibly hurt you in a bad way.

And to make matters worse he threatens your family? Wow, another reason to take a look at you and him together, and think do you really need this much hassle and hurt over a boy?!

You shouldn't have to stand for being treated like that, thats terrible. Only thing would be, if you did have a talk to him about this he could get nasty, or if you even decide to finish, he could get violent towards you.

Think what you want..
That's what you get for talking back.

Kidding, dump the idiot, why would anyone tolerate that?
Reply 8

Kidding, dump the idiot, why would anyone tolerate that?

Love is a strange thing... :frown:
Reply 9
He attacked you, and in the thread title it says 'Bf'?

Ain't it meant to be ex.
Reply 10
You guys have pretty much nailed it, I know that's what I should be doing, dumping him.. It's just that he has connections, he could easily do what he threatened to do in the first place. As I said, he has a problem, which I didn't fully realise before this happened, he's not like that usually! This was the first time he ever did anything like this, but it did scare the hell out of me..He had a really rough childhood, I guess that's why he feels like he can treat people mean as well..
You guys have pretty much nailed it, I know that's what I should be doing, dumping him.. It's just that he has connections, he could easily do what he threatened to do in the first place. As I said, he has a problem, which I didn't fully realise before this happened, he's not like that usually! This was the first time he ever did anything like this, but it did scare the hell out of me..He had a really rough childhood, I guess that's why he feels like he can treat people mean as well..
If you told your parents about the situation, like explained it fully, would they be able to help you if you dump him?
Reply 12
You guys have pretty much nailed it, I know that's what I should be doing, dumping him.. It's just that he has connections, he could easily do what he threatened to do in the first place. As I said, he has a problem, which I didn't fully realise before this happened, he's not like that usually! This was the first time he ever did anything like this, but it did scare the hell out of me..He had a really rough childhood, I guess that's why he feels like he can treat people mean as well..

Forget the 'connections' he has with people, don't be afraid of them, if he gets them involved, just shows how much of a bell-end he is. Rough childhood don't mean he can go around acting like he did, infact thats a pathetic excuse, if its even an excuse. It might have been the first time, but it might not be the last, now you have seen what he is really like, violent and nasty.

If he does get his 'connections' in, tell the police if they do anything, would be the best thing to do, and if he hits you, tell the police then. Hopefully they will bang him up..
Forget the 'connections' he has with people, don't be afraid of them, if he gets them involved, just shows how much of a bell-end he is. Rough childhood don't mean he can go around acting like he did, infact thats a pathetic excuse, if its even an excuse. It might have been the first time, but it might not be the last, now you have seen what he is really like, violent and nasty.

If he does get his 'connections' in, tell the police if they do anything, would be the best thing to do, and if he hits you, tell the police then. Hopefully they will bang him up..
Well said, she has help at hand and should'nt be afraid.
Reply 14
get rid off him! have none, be strong.
Tell him its over, move on and if he doesnt accept it tell your family you have ended it with him because he hit you.
You told him to get out of the house over something insignificant and you're acting like an angel.. He should dump you if anything.
Reply 17
You told him to get out of the house over something insignificant and you're acting like an angel.. He should dump you if anything.

WHAT!!! are you kidding???!!!!????:eek: did you or did you not completely read the original post??
Reply 18
It seems to me you both have issues to sort out.
- you were having an argument about something insignificant? oh why bother?
- it really isnt very nice to then tell your boyfriend to get out of the house. Imagine how he felt as a result of that..and it was over something insignicant as well!? :confused:

on the other hand, how can you feel safe or protected with him again if he lost control of his anger and attacked you like this..and threatening you and your family...not sure if i'd be able to forgive him if i were you. But possibly he cannot control it as a result of the problems he currently has..

You two might need to talk a lot and see if you can work it out because it cannot carry on like this..
Reply 19
on the other hand, how can you feel safe or protected with him again if he lost control of his anger and attacked you like this..and threatening you and your family...not sure if i'd be able to forgive him if i were you. But possibly he cannot control it as a result of the problems he currently has..

You two might need to talk a lot and see if you can work it out because it cannot carry on like this..


it really isnt very nice to then tell your boyfriend to get out of the house. Imagine how he felt as a result of that..and it was over something insignicant as well!? :confused:

perhaps she was feeling emotionally unstable and wanted him to leave so that she could calm down and process her feelings before saying something she would really regret later