I don't know guys, I'm so messed up.. So sorry cause this is a long rant, and I guess I've had a bit too much wine..
We were having an argument over something very insignificant, and i didn't like the way he was making me feel guilty and all so I basicly told him to get out of my house. Well then he attacked me, taking a tight grip from my neck and hitting me to the bed. Obviously I wasn't hurt, but it could have been the table or something than the soft bed. I was in such a shock that I was just crying my eyes out, and eventually he conforted me, after I begged him to. He wouldn't say he was sorry. Then, he literally threathened me and my family, but since I love him I told him that, and he stayed over and said he was sorry.
I just don't know how to deal with this all, because I've always been of the opinion that if somebidy hurts you they're not worth it, but I just can't give up on him. The thing is that he has an anger problem, and I'm really trying to be there for him, but in the end I don't know if he loves me the way I love him. Surely he wouldn't do that if he did. I can't talk about this to anyone, because in essence my friends and people think that my life is perfect so they would'nt understand. It's just that I love him and find it hard to believe that he was capable to such a thing..
Any advice? Is my gut feeling right that I shouldn't be treated like this and should I just get rid of him..? Thanks for any advice, I'm lost at the moment