The Student Room Group

I’m unnerved.

This may seem bizarre and I appreciate why, but I can’t seem to figure out a solution behind my current situation. I’ve been engaging with my current sexual partner for around two months and the primary function of the relationship is mutual entertainment. However, recently she has started to discharge the most baroque notions during the act, the strength of which I find rather intimidating. At first it was just sexual lingo and it was a turn on; it has since progressed into something more, almost sinister. This sort of stuff you wouldn’t find in hardcore porno movies.

The casual nature of the relationship suggests that I should be able to just ask her to tone it down, but in honesty I’m petrified of the repercussions, as it turns out she is somewhat mentally unbalanced. She has already asked me to do some rather weird things to her and I dread to think of what else she could conjure up. Another factor is that I’d rather the relationship fizzled out without any conflict so there are no hard feelings between each other. The information she is now in possession of could certainly be used to denigrate my character if she deemed it necessary in their future. I’d rather people didn’t know that I’m relatively liberal in terms of sex.

What to do?
Reply 1
You say you're liberal in terms of sex but you're afraid she wants you to do stuff you're not okay with? Seems like a contradiction, but you could just TELL her what you're not comfortable with.

On the other hand: you don't love her/want to break up with her, so there's no need to do that ^.
Reply 2
You say you're liberal in terms of sex but you're afraid she wants you to do stuff you're not okay with? Seems like a contradiction, but you could just TELL her what you're not comfortable with.

On the other hand: you don't love her/want to break up with her, so there's no need to do that ^.

Notice the use of the word relatively. Maybe I didn't make it clear enough about how bizarre she is.
Reply 3
Notice the use of the word relatively. Maybe I didn't make it clear enough about how bizarre she is.
Exactly. :biggrin: I just assumed you mean kinky.
Reply 4
Could you perhaps make it clearer how bizarre she is?
Reply 5
what kind of bizare things? :p:
if your not comforatable doing something don't do it.
I'm intrigued! :p:
i wonder if this is profesh?

regardless...theres nothing to be ashamed of if you dont like getting too kinky..many people feel the same (im guessing she asks for some extreme stuff) and they wont look down on you for it..espcially since you have, it seems done some exciting things..though not gone as far as she would like.

you two dont seem to be sexually just need to tell her striaght that your not comfortable...

edit..whoops reread the what if people know you are a little bit kinky, is she really the sort of person to blab?..and thats not a good reasons to stay with her. theres no love in fear
Reply 9
can't be Profesh i understood it :p:
oh my! you (OP) write amazingly.
Reply 11
oh my! you (OP) write amazingly.

Much obliged. Sorry; force of habit.

i wonder if this is profesh?

'Sexual partner'? 'Mutual entertainment'?

So much for that hypothesis.