I don't know whats happened, but my appetite has absolutely slumped in the last 2 weeks.
I had a sore throat for a few days, and it did make it difficult to swallow hard food, but I still ate soft scrambled eggs etc until it cleared. Suddenly my appetite totally disappeared.
Don't worry, I'm not some skinny girl, I'm definitely got some curves I could do with losing, but I feel like I'm forcing myself to eat at meal times.
Currently I'm consuming abut 500 calories a day, most being from my breakfast cereal (forced) and I'll have no lunch, then just the vegetables off my plate at dinner.
I've not been very active recently, but I still can't understand why I'm not hungry at all. I'm pretty sure 500 calories is far too little, even if I was inactive all the time?
I normally crave one food, something will take my fancy, but nothing. Absolutely nothing.
I'm not quite sure if this is a question, or a discussion. Has anyone been through this? Any ideas what it could be? Any ideas on what I can do to get my appetite back.
Just some basic info: I have a good relationship with food, I'm not a fussy eater, I have suffered with 3 bouts of depression over the last 2 years (but not currently feeling low, or have any other symptoms)