Hi there, I am taking Edexcel Physics PSA4, PSA5 and PSA6 synoptic exams during the next week and i have five or six past papers for each, but only 1 or 2 of the mark schemes.
I desperately need these mark schemes! my physics grade depends on it!!
Jan 2003 (6754/01)
June 2002 (6755/02) (called PSA5ii on the paper) June 2003 (6755/02) (called PSA5ii on the paper) June 2004 (6755/02) (called PSA5ii on the paper Jan 2003 (6735/01) (called PHY5 on the paper) Jan 2004 (6755/02) (called PSA5ii on the paper)
Jan 2003 (6736/01) (called PHY6ynoptic Paper on the paper) Jan 2004 (6756/01) (called PSA6ynoptic Paper on the paper)
Please anyone who has these mark schemes can you send them to me by e-mail or post them on here (my e-mail is [email protected])
Thank you so much, TSR is a life saver!!! lets hope it is again!!!
if you have ane of the papers for phy6 synoptic with mark schemes tht r given on top of the page can u post the link or email me at [email protected] . thnxxx
I know this thread is about a year old, but I just found it after searching all over the net for these. It may be a bit late for most people, but I thought someone else might find these helpful too, given that the exam is tomorrow !