The Student Room Group

Worried about eating

I'm a little worried about my eating as recenty I've been binge eating and making myself sick afterwards. I've had problems like this in the past and with not eating but I don't want to see anyone 'cos I think they'll just see I'm not exactly skinny and think I'm attention seeking, but I really can stop myself eating at the moment even when it sickens me and I can see I'm doing myself damage and I don't know what I can do about it. It's really getting me down and I am going on holiday with friends next week and I don't know how I can cope with it. I just can't seem to diet sensibly, I always start well then spiral off into someting crazy and I hate my weight but can't seem to do anything about it. Please advise!
Reply 1
Bullemia (which it sounds like this could be) doesn't only affect skinny people and dieticians, doctors and counellors know this- they won't think you're attention seeking because you're not stick thin. You've done well to acknowledge that you have a problem, is there anyone you can talk to at all? If not your mum then maybe a school nurse? Are there certain situations that trigger bouts of binge-eating and making yourself sick? If you can identify them and try and avoid them that might help on your holiday, but for a long term solution you need some support. Good luck xx
Reply 2
I have been suffering from eating disorders for three years now. I became anorexic in 2004 after losing 4 stone but within about 6 months I had developed a different eating disorder - binge eating disorder - and put back on that 4 stone and more very quickly. Now, I am slowly on my way to recovery although it has been no easy process. I have a councellor who I talk to once a week and there are still bad patches. I will always have issues with eating but hopefully not to the extent I have now. My advice to you is that you are absolutely not alone and the best thing to do is share your problems with someone you trust. I spoke to my school nurse first and she was amazing. Just find someone you trust and who will not judge you. I really do feel where you are coming from so if you want to chat anymore about your worries, feel free to PM me. xxxx
hey sorry if this advice is crap, i never had any eating disorders, but i think that if these friends are close to you, then you should tell them about your eating disorder. with my group of close friends, if one of them was suffering from a disorder, and he told us, then i would do all that i could possibly do to help him through it, and im sure that all my other friends in our group would do the same.

think about how great it would be if you got on this holiday, and you tell your friends about it, i for one, would think that it would bring you closer as a group of friends. and during this holidays, after they all know, you could as friends work out a plan to help you get through not only the holiday, but also the rest of your battle with this disorder.

but i think if you get your friends involved, you will overcome this probably alot quicker than you would yourself. ask yourself this, what have you got to lose?

but, that aside, if you would like to keep it to yourself, maybe always have a bottle of water next to you. the more water you drink the moreit will fill you up, sure you go to the toilet alot more haha, but it could keep you occupied.

buona fortuna!

ps. and dont forget that there are always plenty of poeple on this forum that can offer you some amazing advice, so never forget if you have problems ask us!
Reply 4
only my opinions...

when you say recently, how long has this been going on? i think for the *official* diagnosis of bulimia, it has to be at least 2 binge-purge cycles a wk for 3 months (i THINK) however, even if it is not at that level, it could easily get there! it is not just skinny ppl that suffer eating disorders, actually ppl with bulimia nervosa are usual a little overweight! and professionals know this-they will have seen sooo many ppl in the same position, they are not going to judge u! the way i see it is as a false friend, like think of bulimia of as another entity, it doesn't want you to seek help because if you do it dies, so it promises you that if you just purge (Etc etc) you'll feel better, like it's being a good friend, when in fact it's hurting you. i don't think listing all the damage u could be doing to your body would help, only shock-it may be more damaging mentally and emotionally. you need to seek help bcos it seems like this has being going on for a while (as you said uve had problems with it in the past). a dietician could re-educate you about food and a psychologist could be beneficial to look at your thoughts surrounding food, weight and yourself etc. plus it always helps to have support, they may even be able to put u in touch with support groups! has an eating disorders section and pale reflections is another big net group. if you put mia into google you should find more info/groups. in my experience bulmia and other such disorders are not just about weight but are about control, maybe you feel like you don't have control over all that's happening in your life and therefore eating and purging is the only thing u do have control over. alternatively, maybe you have to be so *perfect* in all aspects of your life, that the only time u can be imperfect and out of control is when you are binging...just something to think about. maybe you could make it a goal not to purge on holiday, maybe having something to else to focus on will take your mind off it. do u have any1 you can confide in? you can pm anytime. bottom line...see your doc! the sooner u do the sooner u can get help =)

*hugs and major positive vibes*

pc xXx