Hey, I'm really struggling with shortest distance between two moving objects in M4. I can't see an example on it in the heinemann book either. Could someone please work through the following questions or give me some pointers?
1) P and Q are two aircraft. At twelve noon a position vector of P relative to O is (5i + 7j) and for Q (115i - 25j) The velocity vectors of P and Q ae (100i - 285j)km/h and (75i - 135j)km/h respectively. Calculate the closest distance between the two aircraft.
^^ I can do that question working out the time first, but is that necessary?
2) Two cars are travelling along two straight roads which cross at right angles. One car is 200m away and approaches at 20m/s. Another is 100 m away and approaching at a speed of 25m/s (so there velocities are perpendicular). Calculate the shortest distance between the cars in the subsequent motion.