The Student Room Group

ahh...this is pointless but here it is

i told someone about my feelings for a teacher, she works at the school too and she knows him.but i trust her entirely not to tell him, i know she wont tell him shes a great person. i needed to tell an adult and get an adult perspective.
(i know your thinking...not another teacher thread but this is slightly different)
well this teacher knows i like him, i made it obvious, i took photos of him and got him to sign my shirt, he doesnt even teach me but he has done so before.
this person i told said ive probably made this teachers day! she says he gets a lot of comments about how horrid he is and stuff, so me fancying him will boost his ego in a flattered way. which tells me he has a low self esteem, and that he knows not many people like him. (but im going to do anything and neither is he) but i have to admit he did seem pretty happy when i was taking a photo of him (it was for end of yr11)
i felt a bit bad for him, but i felt funny when she said ive probably made his day.
what i want to ask you is do you reckon teachers get down if pupils dont like them....some of them...? i know this is pretty pointless but ive never really considered this at this point of view. i reckon they have a hard time what with all the insults and comments they get thrown at them.
Yeah I recon they do. I've told my teachers I love them last week when I left school, and that I think they are amazing. I also tell teachers "last lesson was really good" when I really think it was, that makes their day. It's great but only if you are sincere - they would see right through if you weren't. Teachers are pretty fantastic, to take up such a difficult job and try and make it fun fo us and for them. I took pics of all of my teachers too :biggrin:
Call me crazy, but my current career of choice is teaching!
Reply 3
Call me crazy, but my current career of choice is teaching!

I think i will:eek: You're crazy
Reply 4
yeah i suppose your right. i mean teachers went into teaching in the hopes of influencing pupils and making a difference to their lives. thats why teachers go into teaching, cos their interested in their subject and want to pass on their knowledge.
if pupils dislike them then of course they are going to be a bit disenhearted.
if the person i told knows him, and knows about the pupils being nasty to him, then i expect other staff in the school know as well. i just felt really bad, but at the same time glad i made his
Reply 5
my current career choice is also teaching! i must be crazy too! :smile: