Hey all,
Just need some opinions; my man and me are having time apart because we both have issues we need to resolve that were just hurting our relationship. I am very much in love with him, and he claims the same. My prob is this; we are still in contact and may see each other soon, because it is hoped we could get back on track, but he is now not calling much and keeps saying he will, and then doesn't, to the point where I now never believe he will call when he says.
I spoke to him a few nights ago, I called him, because I wanted to get this off my chest. Told him how he seems to contradict himself by saying hes in love with me, but not initiating contact. He was like i'm sorry, its just hard I want to talk when theres stuff to talk about, I dont want to keep getting upset on phone and hearing you upset, but understands it has hurt me.
So anyway, he said I'll call soon, maybe tomorrow, but soon. This was a few days ago now and nothing.
Am I kidding myself?! I hate this, we used to talk everyday, he was always there, now theres this massive void, and I dont know if I can cope. I havent called because ive done it enough. I just wish he would prove me wrong.
Leave him to it and wait, or what?!
Love Jess xxx