The Student Room Group


I have just been talking to my cousin in Australia on msn, she has just told me that her dad (my uncle (dads brother)) moved out 3 weeks ago to go and live with a woman that he has been having and affair with for the last few months. They are getting a divorce and nobody told us until now. My uncle hasn't contacted us and nobody knows where he is. Obviously this is a big shock as they have been married for over 25 years. I am really worried that I am going to loose contact with my cousins.

I have two questions

1) how can I best support my cousin thought this hard time baring in mind that I am in england and she is in Australia.

2) what can we do about finding my uncle as my dad and Gran are going out of their minds with worry.

Would be grateful for any advice from anyone who has been in a similar situation.

Thank you
Reply 1
Reply 2
I don't think there is a whole lot you can do, especially about finding your uncle. He's a grown man and Australia is a big place.

As for your cousins, short of actually going out there your best bet is to keep reassuring them and to stay in touch via phone/MSN. I doubt you'll lose contact with them though.

Sorry to be blunt, best of luck though. I hope your uncle shows up.
Reply 3
Don't your dad or grand have his mobile number or email address? and are your cousins still in contact with him? if so, you could perhaps ask him/her for his contact.

How old is your cousin? You could probably call him/her and lend him/her your ear. There's not much you can do in this situation. But, don't get too involved.

God, I hate home-wreckers... I see these things happening to my friends and it's very heart-breaking.
Reply 4
Don't your dad or grand have his mobile number or email address? and are your cousins still in contact with him? if so, you could perhaps ask him/her for his contact.

How old is your cousin? You could probably call him/her and lend him/her your ear. There's not much you can do in this situation. But, don't get too involved.

God, I hate home-wreckers... I see these things happening to my friends and it's very heart-breaking.

Unfortunately we don't have his mobile number and my aunt won't give it to us. My cousins haven't spoken to him since he moved out he tried to call once but my aunt screamed at him and he hasn't called back. I could phone I guess but my aunt isn't really wanting to speak to anyone in our family at the moment so I guess I will have to do with talking through msn.

Thanks for your advice though :smile:
Reply 5
call your cousin. i'm sure he has his dad's number somewhere.
I agree with iz_a_bell - dnt get involved too much... i mean obviously support your cousin when you feel she needs it, but i know from experience that when too many people try to console u, it just gets patronising!
Reply 7
call your cousin. i'm sure he has his dad's number somewhere.

I might try and do that when it gets to morning there :smile:
Reply 8
My dad had an affair and left us a few years ago. During that time i just needed friends. I would suggest to you that you should just be there for your cousin but, like the others have said, try not to get too involved.Just let her know you are thinking of her and can be there if she needs to talk xx