The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Social environment or physical environment?
Reply 2
Social environment or physical environment?

good point/ i'll correct the poll
thanks, though i really meant both
Reply 3
Out of the list, I like New, but then they fobbed me off to another college so not so sure now....
Reply 4
whats the best college in terms of environment/ physical and social (eg food/fun accomodation location) , and please give reasons.





Four better ones might be:



St Johns


Depends what you are looking for.
Reply 5
Has to be Wadham - really really friendly and outgoing students (its only the college out of the list which does not have a reputation for being really arrogant) + often regarded as the most 'progressive' college in terms of social views
- also fairly nice accomodation
- best location of those lot (right next to the Bodlien library)
- great mix of old and nex buildings
- really friendly porters
- v few tourists - unlike at the other 3
whats the best college in terms of environment/ physical and social (eg food/fun accomodation location) , and please give reasons.





Physical environment: Christ Church is the spectacular Harry Potter college with a huge meadow, Cathedral, gardens, big quads, huge library and hall. Magdalen is a challenge to Christ Church, tall tower, deer park, spectacular buildings. New is less spectacular but still impressive, really nice gardens and sections of the old town wall. Wadham is a more typical Oxford college, smaller, nice but not impressive. All have their manadatory ugly 60s accomodation (I think).

Social environment: Wadham might be considered the most studenty (sorry must use this word)/trendy college. New has no reputation to speak of (as far as I know) . Magdalen might be considered the most academic. Similar rep for Christ Church but also a bit of a rah/public school rep (although I'm from Chch and am state school/not rah type). Wadham has a reputationas the gay college I'm told. Don't know how true it is?!?

Food : Christ Church £1.50 a night three course meal, good as you can ask for. Ate in the Harry Potter hall, best in Oxford (Keble students may not reply). Don't know the rest but my mate at New said their food is good.

Fun : See social environment. Wadham best rep, New average, Chch/Madg more accademic. Tbh it's down to the individual, if you'd rather go out than go to the library there'll be loads of people like you at any college. Wadham has best bar/JCR, New/Chch bar's smell a bit, never been to Magd's bar.

Accomodation : Christ Church 1st year dodgy sixtys block, 2nd year oak panneled sets (best in Oxford), 3rd years and after en suite overlooking meadows/off site nice block shared with Corpus Christi. Magdalen I hear is nice, Wadham I hear isn't, New is reasonable. I went to my friend's room at New it was nice but smaller than my Chch first year room.

Location : Madgalen, next to Magdalen bridge, east of Oxford, not most central but near Univeristy sports facilities, popular living out area of Cowley, Iffey, St Clements Roads. Wadham, next to Kings Arms, Bodleian library, very central. New, near to Wadham. Christ Church, south of centre. Near to boatie bit of river on one side, central Oxford on other side, is very big so near to everything but walking across college takes about ten minutes.

Phew that took a while, any other colleges. Wadham would appear the odd one out there.
Oh yes, of course I forgot politics, Wadham left, Magdalen too busy working, Christ Church right, New probably right.
Reply 8
house badger
Oh yes, of course I forgot politics, Wadham left, Magdalen too busy working, Christ Church right, New probably right.

** chortle, chortle** many a true word..
Reply 9
house badger
Oh yes, of course I forgot politics, Wadham left, Magdalen too busy working, Christ Church right, New probably right.

Wadham might be best described as left but non political. Tends to appeal to some who like to wear badges rather than beliefs. Probably unfair but....

HB,very accurate summary of the colleges. Accomodation is a bigger factor than many applicants realise and that's where ChCh and Magdalen have an advantage.
house badger
Food : Christ Church £1.50 a night three course meal, good as you can ask for. Ate in the Harry Potter hall, best in Oxford

I would DEFINITELY dispute that (having had formal at Christ Church and many other colleges). The best food I've had is probably our own, although Lincoln comes a close second.
I would DEFINITELY dispute that (having had formal at Christ Church and many other colleges). The best food I've had is probably our own, although Lincoln comes a close second.

Having not eaten at Lincoln or Hildas I can't comment but its the hall and the ridiculously cheap prices rather than the food that makes it good.