The Student Room Group


Well, there is this guy i fancy where i work but i don't know him that well and we hardly get chance to speak, so its quite difficult in that aspect to get to know him. Anyway, it has been pretty obvious that he likes me because of the glances i recieve and just noticble things etc. When i was working with him on Thursday, it started off really well (you know how it is) keep looking at each other during the course of the morning etc etc. Anyway by the afternoon, he completely stopped all this. It was like i did't exist anymore or something. What the hell! I don't get it! Can someone please explain? It really put me down cause he seems so nice and then all of a sudden, no chemistry. He seemed more interested in talking to some other girl. :frown:

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Reply 1
Perhaps he's just generally friendly with all girls, realized that you were interested in being more than friends, and decided that chatting with another girl would be a nice way to hint that he doesn't like you in that way?
Reply 2
Perhaps he's just generally friendly with all girls, realized that you were interested in being more than friends, and decided that chatting with another girl would be a nice way to hint that he doesn't like you in that way?

yeah, maybe your right
Reply 3
But its so annyoing thou cause there is something really nice and unique about him compared to other boys, but i just can't put my finger on it. I think thats why i like him so much
Reply 4
Does anyone else understand why this guy did this? its really getting to me!
Reply 5
I dont understand why you've said entitled it "Grrr...Boys!!!". You've said yourself you hardly know him so why is it a problem that he's stopped it, you don't know that he liked you in the first place, you may be good to look at, he may just be friendly. For all you know, he could be in a relationship.

If you're that bothered about it, speak to him. It's not that big a deal!

Reply 6
I dont understand why you've said entitled it "Grrr...Boys!!!". You've said yourself you hardly know him so why is it a problem that he's stopped it, you don't know that he liked you in the first place, you may be good to look at, he may just be friendly. For all you know, he could be in a relationship.

If you're that bothered about it, speak to him. It's not that big a deal!


i agree...the best way is to talk it out..
Reply 7
i agree...the best way is to talk it out..

I do agree with what you say : by talking to him about it, but the problem is i wouldn't get chance to speak to him about that sort of conversation. And he doesn't live near my either
Reply 8
Well when you are working together, ask him for his number, or get it off somebody at work, i dunno. It's up to you, there are several ways that you can get to talk to him. It's upto you whether it's important enought to you that you're then willing to do what it takes. If you're not prepared to put some effort in, why are you bothered at all?

Reply 9
Well when you are working together, ask him for his number, or get it off somebody at work, i dunno. It's up to you, there are several ways that you can get to talk to him. It's upto you whether it's important enought to you that you're then willing to do what it takes. If you're not prepared to put some effort in, why are you bothered at all?


Maybe asking for an msn address (if he has one) might be a bit better cause i don't want to make it too obvious if he is already in a relationship.
Reply 10
trying to use the old tactic of: treat 'em mean keep 'em keen? (it never works though)
Reply 11
trying to use the old tactic of: treat 'em mean keep 'em keen? (it never works though)

lol....that would put him off me
Reply 12
trying to use the old tactic of: treat 'em mean keep 'em keen? (it never works though)

If you do it properly it does.

Maybe asking for an msn address (if he has one) might be a bit better cause i don't want to make it too obvious if he is already in a relationship.

Then yeh, do it that way. You won't seem so eager that way i suppose.

Well when you are working together, ask him for his number, or get it off somebody at work, i dunno. It's up to you, there are several ways that you can get to talk to him. It's upto you whether it's important enought to you that you're then willing to do what it takes. If you're not prepared to put some effort in, why are you bothered at all?


Sound advice!!
Reply 14
lol....that would put him off me

No i think he means that's what the guys doing to you.

Reply 15
No i think he means that's what the guys doing to you.


Oh rite, sounds good to me! :smile:
Reply 16
If you do it properly it does.

If you do it too much though, it can be really off putting. The person doesn't know whether they're coming or going. (sorry about the pun)
Reply 17
If you do it too much though, it can be really off putting. The person doesn't know whether they're coming or going. (sorry about the pun)

Do you mean that trying to flirt to much is off putting or being too mean is off putting? I doubt flirting would be off putting to many people
Reply 18
So what can you make the overall conclusion to be? Does he like me in that way? Or does he only like me as a friend?
Reply 19
Do you mean that trying to flirt to much is off putting or being too mean is off putting? I doubt flirting would be off putting to many people

No, I mean the whole ignoring someone for a bit and trying to make them jealous, then talking to them again etc.