The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Hey again, just wondering what happens and what we get up to normally in our first week. Obviously a better question for the students already there!
you get parents, give them wine, they cover you in foam, just the usual so i hear
Reply 3
That kinda has a double meaning now... :p: Threshers week, as to be honest a lot of people will be spending money there....

(I'm sure you all know Threshers is an alcohol shop type thingy.)
Reply 4
you get parents, give them wine, they cover you in foam, just the usual so i hear
That stuff doesn't happen until Raisin Weekend in November.

Returning students have to do a few of these things as well, so if I get the grades, I can take you to some of the places you need to go (I remember getting lost a few times in fresher's week in first year because I was clueless about where I was supposed to go) - this offer is open to anyone and everyone. Aside from the odd party or two where I socialise with old friends, make a few new ones and talk about how crap my summer was, I find fresher's week a bit boring, and last year I spent the whole time in my room except when I had to go out for matriculation, advising and so on. If I offer to help you then I'll get to know you, you'll get to know me, and it keeps me from getting bored and driving myself insane - it takes me a while before I accept that daytime terrestrial TV is watchable once I've grown used to watching Sky for four months.
oh um confused, i thort raisn week was freshers week. i think i will go back to sleep. sorry Holly
That kinda has a double meaning now... :p: Threshers week, as to be honest a lot of people will be spending money there....

(I'm sure you all know Threshers is an alcohol shop type thingy.)

Boom boom cha [sorry the best symbol noise i can make]

just got that!! poor students drink cheap beer
Reply 7
oh um confused, i thort raisn week was freshers week. i think i will go back to sleep. sorry Holly
Nope. Raisin Weekend is the weekend after reading week (roughly the eighth weekend in the first semester) - it's just an excuse for students to get drunk and have a laugh. Students who get involved in the weekend's festivities almost invariably drink to excess. I can remember someone coming in late to a tutorial on the Tuesday whose excuse was that he was still a little drunk from the weekend :rofl:

Fresher's Week, on the other hand, happens prior to the first semester - it serves the purpose of getting you and the university prepared for the year ahead. There's usually a fair bit of alcohol involved in this week as well, but not as much (I'd hope) as in raisin weekend.

No need to apologise, pet :hugs:
Reply 8
That kinda has a double meaning now... :p: Threshers week, as to be honest a lot of people will be spending money there....

(I'm sure you all know Threshers is an alcohol shop type thingy.)

Lol thats why i call it threshers weekend :smile: I knew someone would comment on it.
Reply 9
we're all going to meet up and Holly and I are going to plot to... ahem... I mean welcome you all with open arms. :biggrin:

and it's 'freshers week' as in freshman, not threshers. O.o


I drank little during freshers and nothing over Raisin Weekend, and still had an awesome time, so alcohol isn't a requirement. Neither is going to the Bop at the union. O.o
and it's 'freshers week' as in freshman, not threshers. O.o

When did it stop being Pre-sessional Week?

St Andrews doesn't have freshmen/women it has bejants/bejantines.
Reply 11
we're all going to meet up and Holly and I are going to plot to... ahem... I mean welcome you all with open arms. :biggrin:

I drank little during freshers and nothing over Raisin Weekend, and still had an awesome time, so alcohol isn't a requirement. Neither is going to the Bop at the union. O.o
People actually go to the bop???

Reply 12
When did it stop being Pre-sessional Week?

St Andrews doesn't have freshmen/women it has bejants/bejantines.
When St Andrews had an influx of American students :rolleyes:
It's still officially called pre-sessional week, orientation week and such, but everyone knows it as freshers week.
isnt it freshers week everywhere else in the uk tho?

holly, just out of interest, where do you get your smiles from, they keep getting bigger and better
Reply 14
holly, just out of interest, where do you get your smiles from, they keep getting bigger and better's just something I'm doing for a bit of fun, and it's a fun way of getting little jabs in at people (I posted in a topic for devilbunny to see it...did it as a joke, but he liked it :biggrin:)
Reply 15
Ah deviantart, always good for posting odd resouces and finding some, I wish I could draw though.
what is devianart>>?
Reply 17
Click the link, you'll find out :wink:

Sadly, peeps, I won't be seeing you in the autumn :frown: I failed CS1004 and I don't want to go through the stress and anxiety of taking a resit and can't afford to redo the year again, so I'm out of uni :bawling:
I'll still be on TSR to offer help and advice, but unless I move up there (which I suppose is a possibility, though not too likely), I'll just be a mysterious figure behind my text and random smilies

Thank God my parents have never been around whenever I've found out poor exam results (this is the third year from the past four that have turned out badly for me) - a lot of expletives tend to leave my mouth for the hour or so after I find out I've done badly, and I don't think they'd be too pleased to hear "f**k, s**t" at the top of my voice for that length of time :redface:
Reply 18
Serious? **** one. I also failed CS1004. However I have 120 credits so will be in second year. You can still get into uni having failed, just do an extra module next year
Reply 19
Serious? **** one. I also failed CS1004. However I have 120 credits so will be in second year. You can still get into uni having failed, just do an extra module next year
CS1004 was the one I HAD to pass, because Computer Science is the only degree I'm interested in. I've already taken an extra year, and yesterday I got a letter announcing the termination of my studies. I have 10 days to appeal, but I've decided that I'm not going's a tough decision, but I said to myself a few months ago that if I failed CS1004 (again, having lost P2P in it last year) then I was going to drop out, and I'm standing by that decision. I didn't pass ANY of my modules this year - my record is appalling:
MT1001 (Introductory Mathematics) 3.0/20.0 - Failed
EC1002 (Microeconomics) Lost P2P - Not eligible to sit final exam
CS1004 (Internet Programming) 4.2/20.0 - Failed
MT1002 (Mathematics) Lost P2P - Not eligible to sit final exam
Out of a possible 80 credits, I got a grand total of 0 :frown:

Let this be a lesson to everyone - if you suffer from depression, get the ****ing thing sorted out as soon as possible. It ****ed me over all year long and I didn't see a doctor about it until 3 weeks before my CS1004 exam (anti-depressants take at least 2 weeks to kick in, as well, so I was screwed)